Valeria Marini: "I'll be a mother at 46"

Valeria Marini has announced that she is pregnant: "I will be a mother at 46", said the Sardinian showgirl and stylist, who thus crowns a long-held dream.

Just two months after the sumptuous wedding with the entrepreneur Giovanni Cottone, celebrated on May 5th (see her wedding photos here), the soubrette is already struggling with a pregnancy. It is difficult to imagine a fashion victim like Valeria juggling baby food, nappies and bibs. But Marini had been wanting a child for a long time. It is not the first time that the showgirl has been pregnant: it happened even at the time of her engagement to Vittorio Cecchi Gori but unfortunately she had to terminate the pregnancy.

Valeria Marini with her husband Gianni Cottone

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