Barbie changes shape: after 56 years she becomes curvy

It was March 9, 1959 when Barbie appeared on the first shelves of toy stores, when the first girls started asking Santa Claus about her.
She bore the name of Barbara Millicent Roberts and, two years after her birth, Ken appeared, the handyman who accompanies her on every adventure. The most famous doll in the world has embarked on 156 different careers and, admittedly, she has completed them all successfully. Today, on the wave of a small revolution, Barbie changes shape and presents herself to today's girls in curvy dresses, a little shorter and with measures much more in line with our reality.

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Many girls have tried to emulate her and many girls have dreamed of becoming like her: independent, stubborn and always ready to get involved.
We did everything possible to be like her and now, paradoxically, Barbie wants to become like us: a small step for humanity but it is absolutely a big step for a doll.

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Tags:  In Shape Marriage Parenthood