18 female habits he just can't stand!

If you want to win him over or make your relationship last as long as possible, try to limit these behaviors beyond his understanding and, above all, tolerance!
Unless you're lucky enough to have a man like this:

1. Invade all available space

Every shelf in the bathroom, every compartment in the closet: your things invade every inch of your home. True, we women need a lot more space, but we should try not to overdo it. It's not nice to limit the area reserved for her things to only one drawer.

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2. Have a few drinks too many

He would throw you a bucket of cold water just to make you come to your senses! He already does not tolerate you brilliantly, when you start being witty and you always say a few too many nonsense, let alone when you totally lose control! Friends can also have a laugh, but then it's up to him to keep up with you and he won't remember it as a nice evening!

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3. Gossip

You always have a word for everyone. When you are with your best friend then ... he would like to disappear! He doesn't understand how you can spend so much time gossiping about facts and people who, after all, don't even interest you.

4. Steal from his plate

Didn't you want french fries? Don't you think of stealing them from her plate! If he's not the one offering you something, stay in your place. Seeing you reach out for his food annoys him to death! Not ordering a dish and then halving his is not at all nice and, often, he also stays hungry!

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5. Dressing out of place

You knew you were going to be walking all day. So why those heels? Of course, in front of his mother you wanted to be flawless. But it is not the most suitable clothing for a Sunday at the lake, especially if you don't want everyone to spend it listening to your complaints.

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6. Put his things in order

You are crazy? You will send him into total confusion! His was an organized disorder ... now he will find nothing and, in panic, he will make even more chaos than before! Besides, in doing so, you remind him a little too much of his mother!

7. Cry for no apparent reason

This attitude leads him to feel helpless, and it is something that he does not like at all ... The first few times he will try, in vain, to give you a hand, after which he will just get nervous.

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8. Settle in public

Your panties or bra have shifted and this is where a series of clumsy attempts to put everything back in place begins. Well, after a while "it makes him nervous. It would be better, perhaps, to make a very quick jump to the toilet.

9. Make him wait

If you take hours to make yourself beautiful, contrary to what you promised, it will all be useless work. Since he's mad at you, he won't even look at you! Making someone wait is rude, so they will think you are. Not only has he had to wait for you, but he will also find himself having to make up excuses to friends or to see the film already started.
Not to mention the epochal waiting times when he accompanies you on a shopping spree!

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10. Disturb him while he works

He told you there is an important job to finish. Half an hour and it will be with you. So why do you keep yelling at him every 5 minutes that he is almost ready for dinner or asking him what spices he wants, where is the wine and so on? Why can't we just resist?

11. Ask him trick questions

You must know that the classic question "do you think I have gained weight?" sends him into total paranoia. He knows that there is no right answer: if he says no, you will interpret it as a yes or as a lack of interest, if he says yes ... this option is not even contemplated.

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12. Involve others to support your thesis

You are in the midst of a "heated discussion on an issue that is close to his heart and you, to prove that you are right, report the opinion of your friend or your mother on the subject." What if he doesn't like you talking to other people about it? This is often the case. So, try to find safety in yourself and, if you really need some advice, keep it to yourself!

13. Suggest the gift you would like

You underestimate how important it is for him to amaze you! If you push him too far in a certain direction you could make him pass the enthusiasm. Not feeling the idea as his own will lead him to trivialize it and sadly move on to something else. So try not to be too blatant!

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14. Asking too many explanations

"Why do you look sad?", "Why did you say that? What did you mean?", "Why are you eating that stuff?": When we do that we look like nagging little girls!

15. Contradict mom

Here is the most fatal mistake! Mum will always be the number 1 woman in her life, so: how do you think of replying to anything she says?

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16. Always have something to teach him

"The bed is not made like this", "the tablecloth had to be put like this", "fold the shirt like this" ... again the mother!

17. Complain about the line, about time ... about life

"My shoes hurt", "my head is spinning", "I have a stomach ache", "I'm bored" ... We can't deny it: the complaint is female. Of course they too sometimes ...

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18. Accuse him of being "like everyone else!"

"You men are all the same!". Maybe that's not a nice way to make him feel unique and special. Then nobody likes the labels.

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Ah, we also don't have to: take them for granted, compare them to our exes or compare us to their exes, ask them to stop smoking or turn down the toilet seat ... Do you think of an infinity too? Then they say that those who are insatiable are the women! If you are good, however, you will receive a proposal like these:

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