Bottura among the best chefs in the world

For five years on the list, last year the brilliant chef was in fifth position. Described on the official website as follows: "A crazy but brilliant mastery, which combines tradition and innovation, managing to translate into his dishes a part of fun that is impossible to escape" makes all of us lovers of good food and Italian cuisine extremely proud of its success.

Instead, Noma in Copenhagen, which drops to 2nd, and El Celler de Can Roca, which wins position number 1. In the ranking we also find other Italians who increase our patriotic spirit: 27th position for the FratelliAlajmo of the restaurant Le Calandre, 40th place for DavideScabin of the Combal.Zero and 41st place for EnricoCrippa of the Piazza Duomo restaurant.

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But the satisfactions do not end here: a lifetime achievement award also goes to Nadia Santini, renowned cook of the Fisherman, in Canneto sull "Oglio.

Congratulations to all the representatives of the beautiful country, who thanks to their talent, their creativity and their culinary art make our tradition known to the whole world.

See also:

    • Davide Oldani, the artist chef
    • Andrea Berton: "Common sense first of all"
    • Giovanni Bon: "The desire to learn is never too much"
    • Atul Kochhar: "I'll tell you about my modern Indian cuisine"

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