White discharge before your period, in pregnancy or after ovulation: what you need to know

White leaks? Who hasn't happened to? White vaginal discharge is a physiological secretion that is very common, especially in the period of ovulation or in pregnancy, in its first phase. In some cases, however, they can be a symptom of pathologies and infections.

Discover immediately with us everything there is to know on the subject: when it is more common to have white leaks, the different types of leaks (from the densest to the most gelatinous or watery ones), how to understand if they are connected or less to pregnancy or some form of ailment to adjust accordingly.

Proper nutrition is the first step to feeling good. Watch this video and find out what to eat to prevent white discharge or other related ailments such as candida.

What are white losses?

White discharge is nothing more than vaginal secretions, more or less thick. Strange as it may seem to you, their function is completely benevolent: they serve to protect the uterus from infections. The loss of these secretions can be physiological or pathological. In the first case, obviously, there is nothing to worry about. , while in the second they could be an indication of infection (from candida to vaginosis) and it is better to run for cover.

How to understand if it is a discharge due to an "infection? Generally in these cases the white discharge has a bad smell and is accompanied by itching or burning. For a correct diagnosis, however, it is always better to contact your gynecologist.

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Dense white, gelatinous, watery leaks: these are all types

White discharge is nothing more than vaginal mucus, and is therefore produced by the cervix. Based on the hormonal variations these losses can be more or less dense and have a different consistency that allows us to distinguish different types.

Thick white discharge is typical of the post-period period or early pregnancy. In some cases, if accompanied by itching or burning, it can mean an ongoing infection.

They are always linked to an infection, such as candida, when they appear in granules and with a bad smell. Instead, they are particularly watery or gelatinous during ovulation: in this case they are an indication of maximum fertility or sexual arousal.

In the preovulatory phase, on the other hand, they tend to appear creamier, with a white color that tends to yellowish, and instead indicate the moment of lower fertility.

During or after ovulation, before your period, in pregnancy: when white discharge is physiological

White discharge should not worry us if it is linked to physiological causes and, in particular, to the period of ovulation or to the beginning of a pregnancy.

The white discharge that occurs during or after ovulation is generally more watery, transparent and alkaline to facilitate the survival of the sperm in the vaginal canal. Often they are accompanied by cramps or abdominal pain, but this can vary from person to person.
To monitor ovulation, there are many special tests on the market (here are the offers on Amazon)

After ovulation, and therefore before or just after your period, the white discharge becomes stickier and more stringy. Again, there is nothing to worry about! White discharge after ovulation is very common in women who take birth control pills.

Equally physiological are white losses in the early period of a pregnancy. These are milky losses due to hormonal disruptions that affect the whole body and in particular the vagina and its epidermal and muscular structures. Also in this case the losses play a defensive role against infectious agents and are completely normal.

White discharge before my period: am I pregnant?

White vaginal discharge, as we have said, can be a symptom of pregnancy. There are many women who, recently pregnant, notice the increase in these losses, especially before the missed period.

But be careful: if the white losses are indeed a possible proof of an interesting state, they are certainly not enough to give us the certainty of being pregnant! If you have any doubts about it, take a pregnancy test (you can find them on Amazon).

See also: The problems of pregnancy: daily difficulties of a pregnant woman according to Line Severinsen

© Instagram Line Severinsen The problems of pregnancy according to Line Severinsen

When white discharge is pathological

If the white discharges are particularly dense and are accompanied by itching, burning and bad smell, they are the sign of an "infection in progress, and therefore have a" pathological origin. It will be good to contact your gynecologist immediately.

The causes of the losses, in these cases, can be manifold. There may be a "bacterial origin, evident when the discharge is foul-smelling and foamy: in these cases it may be bacterial vaginosis or Gardnerella vaginalis.

If, on the other hand, the leaks are thick and lumpy, similar to cottage cheese, and smelly, it could be Candida. Candida is a fungus that requires specific therapy to be extended also to the sexual partner, to whom it is transmitted.

Finally, if the white discharge tends to yellow / green, it could be a venereal disease to be treated with antibiotic therapy.

White discharge in pregnancy

As we have seen, white losses are normal at the beginning of a pregnancy and in particular in the first 3 months of gestation. They should therefore not cause any alarm. When, on the other hand, should we worry? from infection: they become more lumpy, smelly, and are accompanied by burning and itching.

It is not uncommon, in fact, that vaginal infections can occur during pregnancy due to the compression exerted by the uterus on the bladder. The stagnation of urine leads to the proliferation of bacteria! Don't worry too much, though: your doctor will help treat the infection.

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How to prevent white discharge

If you find that you have white discharge of infectious origin, see your doctor right away for necessary treatment. To be able to avoid these diseases or prevent their reappearance in the future, you just need to adopt some basic behaviors.

First of all, always remember to take care of your intimate hygiene with suitable and specific products, which respect the pH of the vagina. Avoid, however, too frequent washing. Always choose cotton underwear and change it frequently, trying to limit the indispensable use of sanitary pads, preferring cotton panty liners (you can find them at this link) changing them often.

Also avoid wearing too tight and non-breathable clothing, which leads to the proliferation of bacteria. Do vaginal douches, following the advice of the gynecologist and without abusing it.

+ Show Sources - Hide Sources For more scientific information and insights into white vaginal discharge, you can visit the Humanitas website.
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