Yellow ladybug: legend says it brings good luck

The yellow ladybug is a small insect that, like the red one, has the characteristic black dots on the body. Although it is only a few centimeters long, it helps to keep pests away from the garden and for this reason it is highly sought after by gardeners. However, it is also said that those who see it will have luck and popular tradition attributes magical powers to it. The yellow ladybug loves to perch about flowers, but did you know that they too have a specific meaning? Find out in the video.

How is the yellow ladybug made

The ladybird is a small insect that belongs to the Coleoptera family and in nature there are about 6000 different species. The most famous is the red one (the Coccinella Septempunctata) which, with its seven black dots on the body, has become an animal symbol of tenderness that inspires sympathy to young and old. The yellow one, on the other hand, is also called Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata (or Thea 22-Punctata), is a particular species that feeds on plant parasites. It too belongs to the coccinellidae family and is a full-fledged beetle.

We usually see it in spring, while it flutters from flower to flower waving its small antennae, and it is widespread throughout Italy, where it prefers lowland environments, vegetable gardens and gardens rich in vegetation.
The yellow ladybird, in fact, feeds on parasitic fungi micelle (also called powdery mildew), that is the whitish patina similar to a mold that covers the leaves of certain plants. From May to November we can see the ladybug with its characteristic yellow body with black dots, feeding on the aphids that afflict the plant world: for this reason it is used by those who have a vegetable garden.

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What does it mean when you see a yellow ladybug

The yellow ladybird is an animal associated with the concept of luck because its color recalls abundance and wealth (it is no coincidence that yellow is the color of gold); seeing this little insect, therefore, is a good omen for all those matters relating to money and business and when you see one it is likely that a nest egg could arrive at any moment. The yellow ladybug, moreover, is also linked to the figure of the Virgin and some beliefs believe that meeting one could mean that a new life or a new love is about to be born because running into it is a very rare event.

Finding this small yellow beetle is, therefore, an unusual event that according to some could be linked to the desire for inner and spiritual renewal: the yellow ladybug marks the beginning of a new phase full of opportunities and is certainly an excellent omen of luck.

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Because the yellow ladybug brings good luck

The European popular tradition believes that all ladybugs (therefore also the red ones) bring luck and considers them a symbol of grace and abundance: this belief is widespread not only in Italy, but also in the Nordic countries, in the Anglo-Saxon ones. , in Asia and America. In our country this insect is traditionally associated with a female figure, in fact it is also called "Lucia" in Florence (like Santa Lucia), "Avemaria" in Veneto, but also Ladybug in England.
Its symbolic meaning is very ancient, in fact in fairy tales it is often associated with children: it is through a ladybug that rests on the shoulder that many children find their way home or understand which direction they should take, and this is due to the power of the beetle.

According to other even older legends, the ladybug was invoked for food to eat, and it was also linked to fire, making it a symbol of special connection between children and divine fire. Children, in fact, often have the habit of expressing a wish when a ladybug approaches and, according to the legends, ladybugs and butterflies would settle only on sincere and pure people.

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In Italy, legend has it that:

  • if one of these beetles lands on a person, that person will have as many months of luck as there are insect dots.
  • if a ladybug enters a woman's bedroom, it will bring fertility.
  • if it lands on a single girl's hand, she will soon meet love.

However, although many think that it is all ladybugs that bring good luck, in reality, according to Babylonian astrology, it is only those with seven black dots on the body that are special insects, as seven is considered a magical number.

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