Red Jasper: a mineral stone with extraordinary properties that make it as precious as a gem

Red jasper is a hard stone full of benefits that also improves blood circulation and helps to cope with convalescence. Each stone is particularly suitable for a zodiac sign, and also has different anti-stress functions. Discover the most suitable anti-stress stone for you based on your zodiac sign, watching this video and then always take it with you to fill up with positivity! Discover it now!

Red jasper: the history of crystal and all uses

Jasper is composed of a mineral mix of silicon dioxide and iron, the crystalline system: it is Trigonal. It is formed from silica deposits in sandy or clayey rocks, which then becomes quartz. The sand and clay enclosed in the crystal create its particular designs in various colors. It is the minerals that make it take on various chromatic tones. For this reason, jasper can be red, yellow, green, brown, sand. Since ancient times, red jasper was known for its powers Jaspers were sacred ornamental stones already in the first ancient civilizations for their properties and strong colors, resistant to time, and also because, despite their hardness, they were very suitable for craftsmanship as real gems. Jasper has also adorned famous jewels in combination with precious stones and sealed great edicts. It was believed to protect the wearer and that this hot and dazzling gem gave them audacity and judgment. Ancient healers, warriors used it to heal wounds. in battles, women to have fertility. In fact, the red Jasper was linked by the ancient Egyptians to the fertile blood of Isis. ratta of a gift from God and which made the first brick for the new Jerusalem. Also for the Greeks and Romans this stone had a sacred value; they attributed the power to bring down rain, if invoked. The redskins called this crystal Mother's Blood and considered it a protector from the dangers of the night. In the Middle Ages it was considered a talisman against spells and drowning. According to a legend, a red Jasper was set in the pommel of Siegfried's sword, the natural stone that made warriors invincible. It was one of the ornaments of the High Priest of the Jews along with eleven other natural stones, as a symbol of divinity.

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Red jasper: from the first chakra to the seventh chakra, benefits and effects

According to tradition, the red Jasper is connected to the natives of the month of March, according to Western astrology it is a stone of Aries and Virgo. In crystal therapy, all red colored stones are beneficial for Aries, such as Hematite, Ruby, Garnet, Coral, Tiger's Eye: they give him security, self-esteem and ethical sense. Jasper helps Virgo to reestablish contact with nature.This zodiac sign, in fact, in addition to blue and green stones, is compatible with red ones, such as Carnelian, which drives away pessimistic thoughts and supports it in interpersonal relationships.
Red Jasper acts on the first chakra which represents our roots (genital area) with earthly energy, black and red stones, and on the second chakra, area above the genitals, sexual energy and survival instinct, red and orange stones. Those who are materialists, very attached to their needs, will have to act on the first chakra which is precisely the chakra reserved for these characteristics. But for the treatment a black mineral stone should not be used, which could mark the negative characteristics of the character. Better a "lighter" stone, such as Turquoise or Rose Quartz, to balance the personality and smooth out some aspects that are too drastic. Natural red stones can be kept in a pocket or worn as bracelets or rings and enhance the functions of the second chakra or sacral chakra.

Red jasper: beneficial effects on the body, mind and spirit of minerals

This stone, working on the first chakra, gives vigor, strength, resilience, energy balance. According to crystal therapy it helps in convalescence, regenerates muscle tissue and blood circulation, oxygenating the blood, supports the heart and helps the anemics. It is recommended for pregnant women, because it helps the fetus to grow well and brings good luck at the time of delivery. In addition, it calms nausea and menstrual pain, stimulates the liver and kidneys, balances the gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine system. It has antipyretic power and strengthens immunities; stops bleeding, reduces hematomas. Among the various types of Jasper the most used in crystal therapy is Red Jasper. Strengthens creative attitudes. supports those who have to regain impulses and emotions, helps hypochondriacs to get out of the vortex of their physical problems, often imaginary. Establishes contact with the Earth and pushes them to realize their intentions with determination . It instills courage in those who are victims of violence or abuse. As a good luck charm it attracts positivity and strengthens self-love. It shakes from inactivity and depression, soothes the feelings of guilt and helps in meditation. In the complicated or decisive moments of existence, it indicates the right direction and brings the willpower necessary to move forward. Red Jasper increases pleasure, passion and sexual desire, brings Fire into the physical body and also has a beneficial effect on the second chakra. One of its best properties, according to crystal therapy experts, is the awakening of spirituality. In fact, it gives the necessary energy to repair one's mistakes and wrong choices, thanks to meditation. It balances the Yin and Yang energies, removing the wearer from anxieties and problems, favoring his concentration on the importance of the present moment and making him regain optimism, strength and balance.

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Red Jasper: charging, purification, buying a bracelet with this mineral

In meditation it is always good to use stones that act above all on the first chakra, such as Hematite, Tiger's Eye, Onyx, Pyrite, Smoked Quartz, Coral and Red Jasper, able to integrate the assimilated vibrations into the body. Just have them in your bracelet or free. It can be used for healing, beauty and mind strengthening rituals; associated with the image of a lion, it protects from fever and poisons and from inner insecurity. The tips of Red Jasper attract luck. In crystal therapy it is recharged with sunlight, with the earth, the pyramid, the tips of Hyaline Quartz, never with the light of the Moon. To purify it and make it eliminate the assimilated vibrations and negative energies, it can be placed in double salt for 24 hours or in contact with the earth or washed under running water for a long time, dry it and leave it in the air for a few days . You can buy red jasper jewelry, with gems and crystals to take with you to jewelry, bijoux stores or online on Amazon at an affordable price. Place an order with free shipping. Agate, a precious variety of Quartz with particular stripes due to its formation in volcanic rocks, goes well with jasper; this stone is also a silicon dioxide. Also green or greenish jade, which has this characteristic and particular Chromatic tonality due to the presence of chrome among its components goes well with red Jasper. Chromatically interesting also the combination with Tiger's Eye and Pyrite. In nature there are also jade stones of violet, white, black color. white jasper in particular is highly valued and in demand for its ability to purify the chakras.
The term Jade indicates two different minerals, nephrite and jadeite: the latter is of greater value.

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Red jasper: the combination of this mineral with other natural gems

Online you will find beautiful jewelry and real jewels, for example necklaces and earrings in agate and jasper with cross pendant or other minerals, two-strand necklaces with green jade and jasper or with Topaz, Agate, Green Jade, Red Jasper, Sugelite, Eye by Tigre. Or bracelets in Red Jasper, Moss Agate and Tiger's Eye: various pointed red Jasper pendants mounted in silver complete with necklace; heart-shaped natural stone with silver chain, Apatite bracelets, green jade and natural red jasper with silver; earrings in red jasper, natural stones of red jasper to take with you; elastic bracelets with Canite, Jasper, Hematite, Aulite, Fire Agate mounted in silver; lucky statuettes and various red Jasper pendants as amulets. Shipping will be fast and packaged with care. A red ring on the finger eliminates stress. a red Jasper bracelet nourishes creative talent and improves dialectics. These jewels, combining various semi-precious stones, add up the precious beneficial properties of natural gems. In fact, positive couplings increase the power of the crystals, while other combinations are not energetically beneficial. Soul crystal therapy puts the subjects in contact with their spirituality, using natural stones, placed on the first chakra. Red Jasper can restore balance and harmony also in the second and third chakras, especially in the solar plexus and in the nearby organs, i.e. small and large intestine, liver, stomach, the whole abdomen. In a session of crystal therapy it is placed on the specific chakra under the guidance of the operator, who acts as a guide in the path of harmonization of energies. It is left to act for a quarter of an hour on the body lying in the supine position. It can also be worn as a pendant at the height of the second chakra or simply in your pocket. For crystal therapy experts its function is not altered.
The red jasper with its coral color is beautiful! Are you ready to protect your chakras and put red jasper on your wish list? Choose your necklace, bracelet or earrings of your dreams or even whatever you want: give your personality a gift!

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