Do-it-yourself remedies for heavy legs

Water and herbal teas

To combat heavy legs you need to drink a lot: at least 1.5-2 liters of water or herbal teas a day. Red vine and olive herbal teas are particularly effective.
To prepare them, infuse a tablespoon of the mixture in a liter of boiling water for 5 minutes. Then sip the herbal tea throughout the day.

Tea, to feel fit!

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Massages with essential oils

Take a knob of hazelnut, sunflower, lavender, cypress, rosemary, lemongrass or thyme vegetable oil with your hand. Massage your legs starting from the ankles and moving up to the knees.
To have silky and hydrated legs, apply sweet almond oil every day after a shower or bath, in both summer and winter.

Discover all the benefits of natural cosmetics

The walks on the beach

Walking on the water's edge is always one of the best methods, as well as the cheapest, to firm up the muscles and increase microcirculation, eliminating the problem of swollen and heavy legs.

Tags:  Beauty Properly Parenthood