Here are the benefits in the era of online dating

This pandemic has forced us to review the way we have always lived and conceived of our sociality. No more hugs and kisses, the best we can do when we go back out will be pat-pat with the elbow (to the delight of those who hate physical contact). For the moment, we are allowed to cultivate relationships only via video calls and, however cold and aseptic this form of romance 2.0 may seem to us, we try to grasp its positive sides.

Fixed the bill problem

I pay? You pay? Are we half done? And if I'm offered dinner, do I still make the gesture or accept without batting an eye? The age-old question of the bill has been perpetuated for years and years at the end of each appointment. Opt for a gallantry of yesteryear or rather appeal to gender equality? What if the other person is offended? The risk is to ruin an appointment at the very best moment. In video call, however, there is no danger. Everyone will be able to draw from their pantry, aware of having provided for their own consumption and without the risk that the other person will be disappointed, thus avoiding the embarrassment of striving to understand how to manage that damned piece of paper, also known as a receipt. .

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Reduced performance anxiety

The first encounters all have a common denominator: anxiety. Will that person like me? Will that person like me? But how do I dress? How do I make up? Oh my God, I absolutely have to make an appointment with my beautician! None of this should haunt you anymore in the era of online meetings.Of course, the eye also wants its part, but by adopting some tricks, paying attention, for example, to the right light and finding a "strategic angle from which to frame yourself, it will be possible to look your best without too much effort (and at no cost!). Do not be obsessed with the aesthetic aspect, rather commit yourself to enhancing your personality, showing what you are made of. Furthermore, "meeting" someone while sitting comfortably on the sofa in your living room, will undoubtedly help you to feel completely at home. your ease. (He works best with a little wine in a glass!).

A sense of greater security

Another of the most common concerns, when it comes to meeting someone for the first time, is that of being faced with some psychopath with bad intentions. You certainly cannot grasp the deepest essence of a person after just a few text messages and unpleasant surprises are always around the corner. So, approaching a new acquaintance, protected by the computer screen, can be a point in favor of online dating. And remember that, in the worst case, you can always count on the "lock" button.

It will be easier to escape from boredom

The biggest nightmare when we think about a first date is that the person we will face can be boring. And here the human spectrum becomes truly varied. There are those who love to talk about themselves in a spasmodic way, struturing for the latest promotion obtained at work and referring several times to all the family possessions, even if I were a revenue agency. Then there are those obsessed with the gym; they would spend hours and hours talking about their workouts and the diet of boiled chicken and unsalted vegetables that follow. Finally, the worst. Those who have not yet realized how illegal it is to engage in "ex" talk on a first date. It should be emphasized that these categories have no gender distinction, of course. In short, the chances that a first meeting will prove disastrous are very high and getting out of it is not easy, or at least, it was not as long as you could / had to meet in person, in reality. Now, however, finding an excuse to escape will be much easier. A bad connection, "oops, my computer suddenly turned off and won't turn on anymore", you can even play an episode of your favorite TV series in silent mode and with subtitles, so you don't even have to pretend to laugh at the their jokes. In short, it is better to be bored for a few minutes on a video call than to have an entire dinner with these subjects, from the appetizer to the coffee killer.

Bet everything on originality

When you tell your grandchildren how you met, your story will take on the same colors as the romantic comedies that hit the box office. It was a warm evening in March, in the midst of a pandemic, locked in the house for an unspeakable number of days. I felt alone when, all of a sudden, I hear the phone ringing. I open the notification and it was her / him, a human being ready to share that same sense of loneliness with me. So we found each other and, like a rose that blooms from the rubble, our love was born in defiance of social distancing. The rest is history. (Don't hesitate to romance it all!)

Tags:  Actuality Old-Luxury Kitchen