Test: how much do you think about yourself after the holidays?

Summer loves, protagonists of all summer hits, protagonists of the best love stories born under the sign of the shooting stars, reason for the joy of the advent of holidays together with relaxation. This of course if you are single or a curious girlfriend, of course. Summer loves are the most beautiful butterflies in the stomach, as Grease taught us. That's why at the end of the holidays, separating is difficult and the recurring thought is: will he miss me? Watch the video first, then let's find out if he still thinks about you, here:

Test: how much do you think about yourself after the holidays?

So will he still miss you? It is not nice to separate, also because often the intrinsic romance of these summer loves is that they are impossible. If they are impossible, then it is a bit assumed that they will end with the end of the holidays. But do you still think about him, and he about you? Take the test and find out immediately:

See also

Test: Does your he still think about his ex?

Test: how much do others envy you?

Test: Does he really want you or is he stalling?

Which famous song of summer 2020 represents you the most? Take the test and find out!

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