If a man told you these 3 phrases you can't imagine what he really meant!

There are a number of phrases that we cannot 100% trust. These are often words said to not deal with something difficult, that could hurt or that you are unable to accept. In any case, there are at least 3 now decoded and very clear, and when we hear them pronounced we should just get nervous, because they mean that our man is a bit "coward! And we are tired of being told that" that's how it is ". In short, of those phrases that you would like to hit him with lightning or almost ... as happens here!

1. I don't deserve you

And it's true: he doesn't deserve it. Because it is a trivial and sad way of saying that he doesn't like us, that he is leaving us, that he does not have the courage to take a clear position on the matter. The fake do-goodness behind this statement is a way to make the partner feel special and make the man appear inferior and unable to love - it should also make us tenderness -.
Men, have the dignity to tell us that you don't want us, let us decide if we deserve you or not.

See also

Good morning phrases: the most original thoughts to wish a good day

The most beautiful phrases about life

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2. I don't want to make you suffer

Alias: I will. Or, even, I'm doing it. It's not making the problem suffer, it happens to everyone. But the need to enunciate this hypothetical sentence, especially if the relationship is just starting, means that he does not tell us right. Perhaps in his heart the man who says it does not really want to hurt, but 90% is just what he will do ... a few words and more facts dear gentlemen!

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3. I don't want us to close ourselves in a definition

Already the relationship started with a not-so-brilliant first date, then after a while he comes up with this sentence. What does it actually mean? I don't want to commit, I would like to continue to be free to go from flower to flower, but I don't have the courage to be clear. How would it be right to answer? Define this: goodbye.

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Our advice? If you hear these magical phrases, run away. You are allowed one exception if there is chemistry among you. In this case you can indulge in a last night of love, after which you say goodbye to these slightly cowardly males. Any idea to greet him properly?

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