Do you want a baby? Reduce your stress

Reducing stress is one of the factors that, according to Italian women, facilitates the arrival of a baby. This is revealed by a research carried out by AOGOI in collaboration with Clearblue. The decline in births in our country is now a fact
consolidated. But what are the factors that can hinder the search for pregnancy? According to the survey conducted throughout Italy on a sample of about 500 women aged 18 and over, the main reason that slows down the search for a child is economic insecurity, followed by not wanting children in the same way within the Having a fixed thought on pregnancy, as well as alcohol consumption and smoking, would also be a real obstacle to conception.

The interviewees are aware that stress must first be reduced. This certainty leads women who are planning a pregnancy (36.7% of the sample) to talk more often and freely about fertility and conception and the related problems.

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