If you cheat once, you will never stop: science says it!

The double-edged sword of betrayal is that we feel more and more justified in carrying it out. We tell ourselves many excuses, to accept the lies we tell ourselves and that we tell our partner. the physical safety of someone, let's downplay the problem. This leads the traitor to take the betrayal lightly and repeat it just in case. But what happens to the person who is betrayed?
Watch the video and read on to find out:

1. Consequences on the traitor

One study analyzed 484 participants with a stable relationship. Analyzing how many of these had a relationship in the dark of the official partner, the results were interesting. In fact, it was shown that the people who had cheated during their first relationship were three times more likely to do it again. In general, those who always have avoided betraying, however, he seems less inclined to make it happen.
The probability, therefore, increases as the traitor feels less responsible than the sense of guilt. This feeling in fact dozes off over time: you get used to lying. In fact, the gesture that is being made does not seem so serious. The fact remains that you are betraying someone's trust and that it would be worthwhile to understand how much harm you are doing, or at least reflect on the lie behind the betrayal. Perhaps understanding it fully would change direction.

See also

Toxic relationships: the signs to recognize them and how to say enough

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2. Consequences on the betrayed

Discovering a betrayal and overcoming it is not easy. The consequences are considerable and distrust becomes a "habit. It has been noted, in fact, that whoever has been betrayed would have twice the chance of starting a new relationship with someone who will betray him in the future. Suspicion will become a" weapon with distrust. double-edged, because despite the innocence, it will be four times more likely for those who have suffered the betrayal to assume the presence of a lover.
In short, it does not all end in the regret of trusting someone who lied to us, the betrayal also has repercussions on subsequent relationships.

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Instead of cheating on him, why not put on a playlist and a very hot dinner?

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