Vaginal balls: benefits and use for personal well-being

We hadn't talked about vaginal balls for a while. But since they returned to prominence as the protagonists of the film Fifty Shades of Gray, and as a powerful orgasm stimulator, interest in vaginal balls has grown again. On the market you can find them in every shape, weight and material and price, for every type of woman. It's time to find out how these little balls can improve your sex sphere and pelvic floor.

Vaginal balls: what they are and why they are used

By vaginal balls we mean vibrating balls to be inserted into the vagina. They are made up of a sphere or two. The two spheres are joined by a thread to be able to extract them with the same principle as the internal absorbents. They are also called vaginal balls, vibrating balls, Chinese balls, geisha balls or Kegel balls. You can find them online or in the main sex shops. As we have seen, they can be made in different materials: metal, plastic, silicone and even glass. These balls have different weight, different color and clearly also a different use. Weight is one of the determining factors in a woman's choice. Just like for other muscles, the ideal is to start with a very small weight while the more experienced and trained can use balls with higher weights. It is no coincidence that on the market there are real all kits, with balls of different weights, to be combined according to your needs.

Did you know that in addition to strengthening the muscle bands, vaginal balls can also be used as sex toys to improve your sex life?

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Chinese balls to train the vaginal muscles

The vaginal balls allow us to train the pelvic floor muscles by stimulating the spontaneous contraction of the muscles and increasing our sensitivity in the area. Many women find themselves struggling with a series of problems and pathologies related to the relaxation of the pelvic muscles, often the cause of incontinence, prolapse and the inability to feel pleasure. Among the main causes of relaxation are pregnancy, childbirth and also frequent weight changes.
But there are many reasons that can cause the pelvic muscles to lose tone, including one you would never think of: incorrect posture! As you can see, in terms of pelvic relaxation, age has nothing to do with it: vaginal balls can come to your aid in every moment of female life, indeed it is better to start training your pelvic muscles from an early age to prevent loss of tone problems. muscle and relaxation.

How to choose the right vaginal balls

As we have seen, the first variant to consider is weight: if you are a beginner it is better to start with very light vaginal balls and increase the weight as you gain tone.
Choose silicone geisha balls if you suffer from allergies because silicone is anti-allergic, odorless and easy to clean. Vaginal balls made of metal and glass are mostly used for erotic games (but they still help you keep the perineum toned!). To choose the right vaginal balls every woman must first ask if she is choosing balls to undertake a constant perineal gymnastics activity following the Kegel exercises or if she does it just out of curiosity or as a new sex toys! If you want to train your perineum constantly, strengthening it month after month, focus on vaginal balls of variable weight so you add weight as you gain tone. These varying weights are the best choice in case of urinary leakage or if you have recently given birth. The difference is obviously also in the price: the fixed weight ones cost less and are ideal for having a preview and understanding if the vaginal balls will be useful for you.

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Vaginal balls: how they work

The vaginal balls are inserted, in fact, into the vagina. The operation will be more difficult if you are very tense so the first thing to do to insert them correctly is the most obvious: relax. Then add a drop of lube! It may help for the first few times to use an intimate lubricant that will make insertion easier. You can start gradually: one part of a ball, then one ball, then two. The correctly positioned ball must exceed the vaginal opening by 2cm: the cord that you will need to retrieve them must protrude out. Don't worry you can't lose them! As you walk, the ball (which contains a smaller ball inside and is vibrating) moves and causes your muscles to contract spontaneously to prevent the balls from falling out. The vibrating balls cause contractions and this spontaneous contractions over time increase the tone of the pelvic muscles, in a passive way.

Kegel exercises

To maximize the benefits of vaginal balls, their ability to tone muscles and reactivate blood circulation, you can also use them actively by doing Kegel exercises, that is, making them go up and down, contracting your muscles voluntarily. Kegel exercises are very useful to speed up the time of muscle toning.

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The ideal workout: how long to use them every day

As with any type of training, even with Kegel exercises it is good to start gradually. The first times will only take a few minutes a day, then you can increase the duration. In fact, when your muscles are more trained, it will be easy to wear the balls even for longer and in the moments of the day when you walk. If you have any doubts about their use and the need to train your pelvic floor, ask for an opinion from an obstetrician or gynecologist who will be able to answer all your questions.

Sex toys for sexual pleasure

The vaginal balls prevent prolapse, help your perineum regain tone and elasticity and can be very useful for improving your intimate sphere, giving you more satisfying sexual activity and a more powerful orgasm. This is because having trained muscles means having greater sensitivity and a better capacity to contract which results in a deeper orgasm. In short, a ball with a thousand virtues! The balls can also be used for masturbation, as a stimulator, and for erotic games for couples but it is much better to experiment with them alone in order to familiarize yourself a little!

Vaginal balls are on sale in every sex shop and also online. What do you do, add them to your wish list?

vaginal balls