How to grow hair: 10 tricks to promote faster hair growth!

A wrong cut or simply the need to change a little ": these are often the reasons that lead us to desire faster growth of our hair which, in some cases, seems like a real mirage. But how to make hair grow more Is it possible or is it just useless urban myths with no foundation? The reality is that there are useful moves and healthy haircare habits that can help us grow hair faster. No miraculous interventions or drastic changes, be clear, but some small help that can affect the health of the hair, strengthening it, and above all on the follicles, also significantly affecting the regrowth time.

The tricks for growing hair

The tricks to grow hair are many and concern both, more generally, eating habits and a correct lifestyle, and, more specifically, the right haircare moves and small precautions to be used in the treatment and care of hair during the washing and drying.

Before proceeding with the reading, however, we want to remind you of the importance of showing off healthy, strong and shiny hair, fundamental aspects also to promote faster growth of the hair. Here is a video with some useful advice in this regard.

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But then, how to make your hair grow quickly? Here are ten effective tricks!

1. Watch out for stress

One of the first factors to consider is stress. In fact, this indirectly affects the growth of our hair due to cortisol, also called the stress hormone. A high level of cortisol can act on the follicles, inhibiting their activity and significantly slowing down hair growth.
Not only that, stress, as is known, can also have a significant impact on hair loss, which is why running for cover and preventing a state of high stress can be an "excellent move to gain general benefits on the whole body, and beyond. on our hair.

Try to carve out some moments for yourself, avoid hectic pace without ensuring recovery times, get enough sleep and opt for a balanced lifestyle and not too high schedules. Our physique requires to be treated with care to avoid falling into stress and short-circuiting with unpleasant consequences.

2. Cut back on washes

Now let's move on to some more technical moves: don't wash your hair too often. Too frequent washing would eliminate all the sebum, not just the excess: but you must know that part of this is essential to keep the hair in good condition. So try to reduce washing to only two or three times a week - clearly based on the type of hair you have; in this way you will allow the sebum present on the scalp, and useful for our hair, to penetrate into the hair, hydrating and regenerating them.

We know that those with particularly oily hair will struggle to reduce washing: in this case, help yourself with a dry shampoo or talcum powder and try to recover even just one more day, so as not to exceed three washes a week. As explained above, washing your hair too frequently would paradoxically make it dirty faster. So try to resist, and on the days when your hair is not completely flawless, also opt for some crops or targeted hairstyles that mask a little the less than perfect state of your hair.

Buy the best selling dry shampoo on Amazon. Advantageous price, immediate availability and free shipping!

See also: Hairstyles for dirty hair - the craftiest ideas to make them look clean!

© Pinterest Hairstyles for dirty hair: all the ideal hairstyles to put off shampooing!

3. Massage the scalp

Another useful technique for making hair grow is to properly massage the scalp. This move helps to improve blood circulation which thus stimulates the follicles, increasing their activity and promoting a higher growth rate.

So try to massage your scalp every time you wash your hair: use your fingertips (or the silicone scalp massager that you find on Amazon on a special offer) and massage gently with circular movements. Make sure you don't overdo it but keep the pressure gentle and gentle. Repeat the operation several times: it will not only be useful for your hair, but it will also allow you to reduce tension and relax.

You can also help yourself with an oil: here are two lotions indicated and easy to prepare.

Click here and discover the do-it-yourself recipe for the mask that can make hair grow quickly!

Hair Growth Oil: Rosemary and Olive Oil

An excellent ally of our hair is rosemary oil.
Try massaging the hair with the help of a lotion with rosemary oil and olive oil: these are two natural elements that nourish and stimulate the hair, strengthening it. Use this mixture twice a week after shampooing and leave on for at least ten. minutes, then rinse and you will immediately notice the great benefits.

Heat two teaspoons of rosemary oil and a half cup of olive oil for about two minutes. If you don't have rosemary oil, you can replace it with half a cup of water in which you dip two sprigs of rosemary and then, half a cup of olive oil.
Then let the mixture rest for about an hour and a half or two and then proceed with the application.

© Getty Images

Castor oil, the top for hair growth!

Castor oil is also ideal for making hair grow faster.
Since we are in the presence of a type of high density oil, it would be good to dilute it with lighter vegetable oils, such as rice oil, jojoba oil or rosemary oil itself.

Pour a small walnut of castor oil, then add a small amount of jojoba oil or rice oil, and finally 2 or 3 drops of rosemary essential oil, which, as anticipated, promotes blood circulation and tissue oxygenation. , impacting on hair regrowth.

At this point, with damp hair, gently massage the scalp with circular movements: you should leave it on for an hour, although the ideal would be to keep it at least six hours. You could take advantage of the night hours to make it work completely and then proceed with washing the hair the following morning. Obviously in this case, do it with dry and not damp hair. Repeat the treatment even twice a week to see more effective results.

4. Make at least one mask a week

Masks, like oil-based lotions, can also help with faster hair growth. This is because, as in massage, the action of the mask acts on the follicles, stimulating their activity and significantly accelerating the timing of regrowth.

Here are some hair mask recipes useful for accelerating hair growth.

Hair Growth Masks: 3 DIY Recipes for Immediate Results

Egg mask
Egg is one of the essential foods for hair health: rich in protein, vitamin B7 and iron, this superfood helps strengthen the scalp and acts on hair growth.
The masks that use the egg are in fact among the most effective for our hair and here we propose two of them.

Take two eggs and divide the yolks from the whites. Beat the latter and apply the mixture obtained on the hair.
Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then proceed with washing the hair.
Apply it twice a week for an effective result in a short time.

© Getty Images

Mask based on egg and beer
This second mask uses the yolks, and not the egg white, and also combines beer, another useful ingredient for the well-being of our hair. Not only will it allow faster hair growth but it will also make them brighter and more silky. .

Take three egg yolks and half a glass of beer, then blend everything. Now apply the mixture and leave it to act for 20 minutes. Then rinse with tipedida water.
Apply it at least once a week.

Onion and honey mask
Also the onion, like the egg, can represent a concrete help if you want to make your hair grow faster. Combined with honey, it gives rise to a nourishing mask, very effective for the well-being of our hair.

Take a medium sized onion, peel it and cut it into cubes. Then use a centrifuge to get a juice. Pour the juice into a bowl and add 25 grams of honey. Mix the mixture, moisten your hair with lukewarm water and apply it on your hair with the help of a nice revitalizing massage. Leave it on for about half an hour.
Finally, rinse your hair and proceed with washing: to dissolve the onion smell, use a shampoo with a strong scent.

15 minutes The recipe for the mask to grow hair!
  • egg yolks
  • beer

5. Brush your hair consistently

Like the massage and the use of lotions and masks, brushing the hair also helps to stimulate the circulation of the scalp and its action, promoting faster hair growth. Get used to brushing your hair at least twice a day: do it though gently and using flat brushes or wide-toothed combs (buy the Lily England set on Amazon) which help to obtain a better yield, are more delicate and allow you to achieve a more effective result.

If you have curly hair, the best way to comb it is to use your hands: in your case, therefore, the best remedy to achieve faster growth is to help you with a massage of the skin or with the constant application of masks and lotions.

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6. Avoid products that contain silicones

Another key point to help hair grow faster is to give up products that contain silicones: these in fact prevent hydration and clog the follicles, slowing down the growth of the hair.

Have you already tried the Garnier Fructis Hair Food Banana products? They are silicone-free and with 98% ingredients of natural origin. Here is the shampoo, conditioner and nourishing mask kit on Amazon.

7. Prefer a "friendly" diet for the hair

As anticipated, there are foods that more than others can help our hair to be stronger and healthier, thus helping to intensify the action of the follicles and ensure faster growth. Make sure you eat foods rich in biotin, such as eggs, soy and cereals, essential for showing off healthy and shiny hair, and in this regard, foods rich in proteins - such as meat, fish, legumes - and vitamins are also essential.

To grow hair, in particular, vitamins A, C, E and especially those of group B are essential. The former are mainly contained in fruit and vegetables (including carrots, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, citrus fruits, peaches, apricots , strawberries, kiwis and avocados, just to name a few), while those of group B are contained in high quantities in brewer's yeast, cereals, rice, potatoes, beans and chickpeas and in milk.

In addition to proteins and vitamins, it is also important to take mineral salts in high quality, such as iron, sulfur, zinc, selenium and magnesium. Green leafy vegetables are therefore welcome, such as spinach, very rich in iron, and garlic, onion, asparagus and aromatic herbs to ensure the right amount of sulfur.
On the other hand, zinc, selenium and magnesium are guaranteed by the seeds, especially those of sunflower, walnuts and cashews.

Here is a list of hair-friendly superfoods to take daily.

See also: Foods that are good for hair

© iStock Foods that are good for your hair!

8. Drink lots of water

Drinking plain water - at least two, two and a half liters a day - brings many benefits. And among these, there is also a better state of health of our hair. In fact, keeping hydrated allows the hair to be less dry and dull and less prone to breakage. Furthermore, it is another element that promotes better blood circulation with positive consequences on the activity of the follicles and on faster regrowth times.

So make sure you drink enough plain water, avoid fizzy drinks and smoking, and consume caffeine in moderation. If you really can't drink water, help yourself with herbal teas (the box with those of Equilibra is available on Amazon) and unsweetened infusions or flavored water.

See also: Collected hair: soft, sideways, simple. All the hairstyles to copy!

© Pinterest Collected hair: all the most beautiful and original summer hairstyles

9. Sport can help too ...

It may seem strange but even practicing physical activity can have an impact on the growth of our hair. This is because any action that favors vasodilation and increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients to the connective tissues can help stimulate hair growth. So make sure you exercise consistently: it will help your body, mind and even your hair!

15 minutes The recipe for the mask to grow hair!
  • egg yolks
  • beer

10. Avoid hairstyles that are too tight

Also beware of too tight crops. Hairstyles and collections that are too stiff in the long run can break the hair and promote faster fall. Not only that: they can also be responsible for a particular condition called traction alopecia, which causes a small scar on the follicle, preventing the hair from regrowing at that precise point.

To tie your hair, instead of the usual rubber bands, prefer the soft scrunchies. (Here is a pack of 36 colorful velvet scrunchies for you)

We suggest below some soft crops from which you can take inspiration for an original and trendy hairstyle that does not stress the hair.

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