Phrases about loneliness: thoughts and famous aphorisms about being alone

Loneliness indicates an inner condition that we have all experienced at least once in our life.
It is almost always associated with a mood and a negative meaning, but many famous contemporary and past authors and thinkers have taught us over time with intense, exciting and often poignant phrases and verses the value of this condition and its possible positive meaning, mostly understood as living one's inner world to the full and cultivating it with awareness to draw enrichment, teachings and passion, in one word: life.

After all, being in company is not necessarily synonymous with happiness, on the contrary, often being surrounded by the wrong people can make us feel even more alone. Instead, they are a good dose of self-esteem and healthy love for oneself of the impeccable recipes that everyone should experiment and put into practice every day, to fully enjoy their existence, love each other more and feel less alone, savoring moments of happiness and good humor.

In the following video you can find some small daily actions useful to always wake up with a smile and win moments of discouragement and negativity, attracting beautiful things.

So here is a series of phrases and aphorisms dedicated to the theme of loneliness, to read or dedicate to draw comfort and understanding, get to know this bittersweet feeling with a nostalgic aftertaste more deeply and discover the thousand interpretations that authoritative and enlightened minds of the past have given us in the weather.

From the darkest and most cynical phrases to the most comforting ones, rosy and full of hope, up to enlightening and funny thoughts, full of irony and irreverent sarcasm: here are all the most beautiful phrases about being alone that have ever been consigned to history.

See also

Loneliness: what it is and how it must be faced and overcome

Phrases about strength: the most famous motivational aphorisms

Feeling alone: ​​how to feel less alone and sad in the midst of so many people

The most famous phrases about loneliness

Often, when you feel alone, you just want to indulge this feeling of melancholy and find confirmation in the external world of what you feel inside yourself. And you can do it by listening to songs with a nostalgic and vaguely sad mood, but also by reading thoughts that give a voice to that state of mind to which it is often not possible to give a name and a precise identity.

The first phrases you will find below will be some famous thoughts dedicated to loneliness born from sublime thinkers of the past, "cursed" poets, female feathers of immense depth and singers of our times who give us a vivid and very lucid vision of reality, without embellishments and sweetenings or false consolations in an attempt to sublimate pain and suffering in the sacred fire of art, in all its manifestations.

Those who do not love solitude do not love freedom either, because they are free only when they are alone.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Loneliness is listening to the wind and not being able to tell anyone about it.
Jim Morrison

We are always, tragically alone, like the foam of the waves that deludes itself into being the bride of the sea and instead is only its concubine.
Charles Pierre Baudelaire

Loneliness is like a magnifying glass if you are alone and you are well you are fine, if you are alone and you are sick you are terrible.
Giacomo Leopardi

Loneliness is beautiful, but you need someone to tell that loneliness is beautiful.
Honore de Balzac

Loneliness: sweet absence of glances.
Milan Kundera

Loneliness can be a terrible sentence or a wonderful achievement.
Bernardo Bertolucci

Sometimes I feel like I'm alone in the world. Other times I'm sure.
Charles Bukowski

The secret of a good old age is nothing more than an honest deal with loneliness.
Gabriel Garcìa Màrquez

There is no need to be a room to feel haunted, there is no need to be a home. The mind has much wider corridors than material space, and a midnight encounter with an external ghost is much safer than meeting one's self unarmed in a desolate place.
Emily Dickinson

In solitude, the lonely devours himself. In the multitude, the many devour it. Now choose.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Yes, I will also leave you for a short time, my loneliness, if love drags me, I will come back, be sure of it; feelings give way, you stay.
Alda Merini

The whole problem of life is this: how to break one's loneliness, how to communicate with others.
Cesare Pavese

I have often wondered if loneliness exacerbates sensitivity or if you choose loneliness because you are exasperated by sensitivity.
Susanna Tamaro

When you are alone in body and spirit, you need solitude, and solitude generates more solitude.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald

I feel so immersed in humanity, so lost in an immense universe, that I can no longer be moved or suffer for the birth or death of a single creature.
Albert Einstein

No man is an island, complete in itself.
John Donne

My loneliness stems from something that I once had with certainty and that has passed away, and this I think is everyone's destiny. Because there is no one who can live without losing something.
Banana Yoshimoto

"Where are the men?" then resumed the little prince. "It is a bit lonely in the desert ...". “One is alone among men too,” said the serpent.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Loneliness is an unacceptable peace. A restraint of feelings to seem normal while one feels the desire to explode, to exist for someone. And then you can also fight, hit and hit each other, so as not to be alone. Useless for everyone. Useless to itself.
Vittorino Andreoli

Loneliness either makes us find again or makes us lose ourselves.
Roberto Gervaso

I hate those who take away my loneliness without keeping me company.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Love consists in this: two solitudes that protect, touch and welcome each other.
Rainer Maria Rilke

It had the beauty that only the vanquished are capable of. And the clarity of weak things. And the perfect solitude of what has been lost.
Alessandro Baricco

Do not look for the impossible in this crazy world, there is no place where you can take refuge, but if you find someone you love, keep it tight because remember: you are born and die alone ...everything else is nothing.
Jim Morrison

Only those who isolate themselves from themselves and from others are truly alone.
Nicola Abbagnano

In solitude women cannot live and they invariably plunder it, if only by making an effort to build a garden there.
Marguerite Yourcenar

As long as you are lucky, you will have many friends: if there are clouds, you will be alone.

Loneliness as a metaphor for strength and courage

There is also another side of the coin of loneliness, which is investigated by many illustrious authors and poets: the courage and fortitude it requires to be supported and embraced.

Only the strongest face loneliness, other people fill it with anyone.
Vjollca Lika

Loneliness is not living alone, loneliness is not being able to keep company with someone or something inside of us.
José Saramago

You have to be very strong to love loneliness.
Pier Paolo Pasolini

Only those who are self-sufficient can be alone, most people follow the crowd and proceed by imitations.
Bruce Lee

Encouraging phrases and thoughts on the topic of loneliness

The next part is dedicated to a brighter and more positive vision of this condition that we have all known in life. After all, no one is immune from loneliness, but it is precisely the ability to make it pleasant and full of potential that makes the difference. Some famous authors remind us how essential this dimension is for creating, thinking, producing and dedicating oneself to oneself and one's inner world, getting the maximum benefit to grow and become the best version of oneself.

And then these words will seem sweet and graceful, full of poetry and freedom and able to suggest harmonious scenarios and unleash intense and pleasant sensations.

Loneliness is independence: I had desired it and had won it over many years. It was cold, yes, but it was also silent, wonderfully silent and large as the cold and silent space in which the stars revolve.
Hermann Hesse

Loneliness gives birth to the "original that is" in us.
Thomas Mann

Sing and dance together and be happy, but make sure that each of you is also alone, as the strings of a lute are alone, although they vibrate to the same music.
Khalil Gibran

Loneliness can lead to extraordinary forms of freedom.
Fabrizio De Andrè

A man must have a little hidden place where he can be himself without reserve. Only in solitude can true freedom be known.
Michel de Montaigne

Loneliness cannot be recommended to everyone, as it is necessary to be strong to bear it and to act alone.
Paul Gauguin

When you avoid being alone at all costs, you give up the opportunity to experience solitude: that sublime state in which you can gather your ideas, meditate, reflect, create and, ultimately, give meaning and substance to communication.
Zygmunt Bauman

Lonely trees, if they grow, grow strong.
Winston Chirchill

Being courageous in solitude, without witnesses, without the reward of consent, alone in front of oneself, requires great courage and great strength.
Milan Kundera

The more they leave me alone the more I shine.
Alda Merini

Loneliness is a source of happiness and tranquility of the soul.
Arthur Schopenhauer

I would perhaps be more alone, without my loneliness.
Emily Dickinson

Only one thing is necessary: ​​loneliness, great inner loneliness. Look inside yourself and don't meet anyone for hours; this one must be able to obtain.
Rainer Maria Rilke

Paradoxically, the ability to be alone is the primary condition for the ability to love.
Erich Fromm

Loneliness is a source of healing for me that makes my life worth living. Talking is often a torment for me and I need many days of silence to recover from the futility of words.
Carl Gustav Jung

There is no place where man can find a quieter or more serene refuge than in his soul.
Marcus Aurelius

Ironic and irreverent phrases about "being alone

If you love sarcasm, here are some original and irreverent points of view on being alone that can only arouse an amused grin in you.

If you are sad when you are alone, you are probably in bad company.
Jean-Paul Sartre

I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, and three for companionship.
Henry David Thoreau

The real, devastating loneliness is not of one who is alone alone with himself, but of one who is two and despair of being alone again.
Aldo Busi

How do you love yourself by living with yourself 24 hours a day?
Gesualdo Bufalino

God created man, and not finding him alone enough, he gave him a companion to make him feel more lonely.
Paul Valéry

I am so satisfied with loneliness that the slightest appointment is a crucifixion for me.
Emil Cioran

If you fear loneliness, don't get married.
Anton Chekhov

To the intellectually gifted man, solitude offers two advantages: first of all that of being with himself and, secondly, that of not being with others.
Arthur Schopenhauer

The life of a punctual is a hell of undeserved loneliness.
Stefano Benni

Today I left my family because I was tired of feeling alone.
Ennio Flaiano

Those traveling alone can leave today, but those traveling in company must wait until the other is ready.
Henry David Thoreau

I was born in a house with 17 people. That's why I have this very strong sense of community. That's why when there are fewer than 15 people I get violent attacks of loneliness.
Massimo Troisi