Here's why saying yes to mimosa: benefits and properties of an underrated plant!

We always hear about the benefits of ginger, the properties of avocado and the amazing results of superfoods. No one, however, has ever questioned the benefits of mimosa!
The reason is simple: mimosa, as the history of women's day teaches us, has always been associated with women's day and is rarely thought of as unrelated to 8 March.
For this reason, during the first week of March, the streets are colored yellow and you can breathe that characteristic and sweet smell.

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In addition to being a perfect ornament on a table set with blue or white hues, mimosa is not to be underestimated also for its many beneficial properties, both in the medical and beauty fields.
But be careful: it is not the mimosa flowers that are a panacea for beauty and health, but its root. In fact, by habit, the mimosa root is cut, dried and used in the form of capsules, ointments or serums.

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The benefits of mimosa, the plant of collective happiness

The first benefit of mimosa, and especially of its bark, was discovered in ancient China. Here, the plant of March 8 is believed to be able to bring happiness: once dried or pulverized, its root is, in fact, a mood enhancer.

Mimosa: the benefits in the medical field

Mimosa can help us in many cases of non-traditional medicine.
Among the benefits of mimosa, in fact, there are numerous anti-inflammatory properties: the leaves and the bark have an anesthetic-like action and are able to reduce skin pain up to three hours after application. In ancient times, moreover, the tea made from its leaves was used as a pain reliever for toothache.

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Already famous in Mayan times, mimosa is also an ally when it comes to wounds and injuries. Even then it was cultivated to create compresses to be applied on wounds, but today it is used in powder form as a cleanser against germs.

The plant that is good for the skin: the beauty benefits of mimosa

If you happen to find more and more beauty products, make-up and creams containing mimosa extracts, don't raise your eyebrow: mimosa also affects our beauty side.
The bark is used to treat some skin diseases, such as acne and psoriasis, but it is also able to develop collagen production and thus make the skin more elastic and more prone to self-regeneration.

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