Acidity in pregnancy: remedies (natural and otherwise) for heartburn and reflux during pregnancy

Acidity in pregnancy, accompanied by gastroesophageal reflux or heartburn, is one of the most common symptoms in the first months of gestation, as well as in the last trimester. With some precautions, it is possible to alleviate this ailment, resorting - if necessary - to natural remedies or drugs indicated for acidity in pregnancy. Here is what there is to know, but in the meantime watch this video on foods to watch out for during pregnancy:

Acidity in pregnancy: what are the causes?

Acidity in pregnancy is a very common problem. The causes that can cause acidity or heartburn, as well as gastroesophageal reflux, are mainly related to hormonal issues: the very high levels of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy lead to a slowing of the digestive processes, as well as a reduction in the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter (the sphincter located between the esophagus and stomach). This "relaxation" of muscle tone that causes acidity occurs from the first months of pregnancy.

As the baby grows in the uterus and the date of delivery approaches, the increase in the size of the baby bump causes the stomach to compress, causing episodes of gastroesophageal reflux. The pressure exerted by the fetus, increasingly greater, can therefore aggravate the problem during the last trimester, favoring the ascent of gastric juices (and therefore acids) in the esophagus, with a consequent increase in symptoms of perceived acidity and burning.

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Acidity and heartburn in pregnancy: tips and tricks

Fighting acidity during pregnancy is not always easy, especially because - as future mothers will know - it is always good to resort to drug-based therapies as little as possible. Before even using natural remedies, it would be good to put into practice some small tricks: these are simple tips that concern your lifestyle that can help you in a natural way to reduce acidity, reflux and heartburn.

First, take care of your diet by eating light but frequent meals. On a full stomach, in fact, it is more difficult for the gastric juices to go up through the esophagus causing acidity. The advice is to eat at least five times a day: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner, without ever exceeding in portions and avoiding categorically of meals that are too abundant in the evening.

What foods to avoid during pregnancy to avoid acidity? First of all fried dishes, full of fat and very spicy, then acidic foods such as tomatoes and citrus fruits. Also no to carbonated, sugary and alcoholic drinks, tea and coffee. It would also be good to avoid going to bed immediately after eating, because the lying position promotes gastroesophageal reflux. Going for a walk after meals can be very helpful in digesting better!

Sleeping in an inclined position, with your head and upper torso slightly elevated, can also be helpful against acidity during pregnancy. Try elevating your headboard by about 4 inches for the night! Finally, always choose a comfortable clothing, which does not tighten too much on the stomach and tries to avoid those movements that can increase the pressure on the abdominal area.

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Natural remedies for acidity, reflux and heartburn in pregnancy

Let's now pass to the most useful natural remedies against acidity in pregnancy. Mallow is particularly recommended: consumed in a decoction together with fennel seeds, it promotes digestion and calms acidity thanks to its anti-inflammatory and protective action on the grastrointestinal system.

In particular, a centrifuged potato juice, extracts or herbal teas of chamomile, aloe and licorice, infusion of marshmallow, ginger (both fresh and dry powder), flax seeds consumed in decoction can be effective against gastroesophageal reflux.

Treating acidity and heartburn in pregnancy with medication

If natural remedies are not enough to drive away the acidity and burning, there are some drugs that can be used during pregnancy, albeit with caution and always under the prescription of your doctor. These are antacids and alginates, which however can interfere with the absorption of other medications or supplements, such as iron and folic acid supplements.

For this reason, do-it-yourself should be avoided in any way and always contact your gynecologist before considering drug therapy.

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Heartburn in pregnancy and baby hair: between legend and truth

A popular legend states that heartburn during pregnancy is caused by the growth of the baby's hair in the mother's belly. The scientific community has always distanced itself from this hypothesis: heartburn has nothing to do with the hair of the fetus, as well as gastroesophageal reflux.

Despite this, however, there would be a 2006 study conducted by a team of researchers that would seem to confirm this legend of heartburn among the symptoms of hair growth in children: out of a group of 64 women, in fact, 78 % of patients who suffered from severe or moderate heartburn during pregnancy then found babies with more than average hair after delivery. Women who did not have acidity, gastroesophageal reflux or heartburn among the symptoms of pregnancy, had children with almost no hair.

This study alone is not enough to confirm the truth of the popular legend, especially since it is not supported by further scientific results. The link between heartburn and baby hair in pregnancy still remains just a myth.

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