Personality test: how good are you at courtship?

Flirt or not flirt? Spring is the queen of flirting, the rebirth of nature is also the rebirth of the senses and the rebirth of the senses is also that of flirting! But this delicate art of courtship is not necessarily welcome, and indeed many feel out of place when they have to show off digs, smiles, looks and stinging responses. Yet flirting is a possibility, from what comes what and it is known that ... watch the video to find out what we are talking about:

Personality test: how good are you at flirting?

Don't make love but flirt more? Perhaps it strengthens self-esteem to indulge in a few nights of sweet eyes. So filtering is good for the mood, it makes you feel cooler and also brilliant ... but that's when you know how to do it! If instead flirting only makes you ridiculous and makes you uncomfortable? Find out if you can flirt, our test reveals it to you. , there he is:

See also

Personality test: how good are you at pretending?

Test: how good are you at kissing?

Test: how good are you at shopping?

Are you a strong and independent woman? Find out with our test, it's better to flirt when you feel independent! Here is the quiz:

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