Who are the relatives? Everything you need to know

Confusion. There is only one deadline with which to summarize the new decree in view of phase 2, which will start from 4 May. Confusion, so much confusion. Yesterday we clarified, point by point, everything that will change as we enter the phase of "coexistence" with the virus, but there is an issue on which minds seem to struggle with no answer. Who are these relatives mentioned by Giuseppe Conte? The Prime Minister, during the conference held on Sunday 26 April, announced that from 4 May it will be possible to leave their homes to visit relatives. Very well, but could it be a little clearer? It happens, in fact, that this term appears only within criminal law and is consequently very, too, confusing and enigmatic for those who have not carried out legal studies.

Who are the relatives really?

Following the raising of many perplexities and questions, a note arrives from Palazzo Chigi in which it is explained that "relatives and relatives, spouses, cohabitants, stable boyfriends, stable affections" fall into the category of "relatives". Well, if it weren't paradoxical, the definition becomes even more ambiguous. What is meant by stable affects? And how many months, years, has it been necessary to be engaged to a person to fall within the definition of "permanent boyfriends"?

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Doubts remain

Already in January 2020, even the Court of Cassation had doubts about the meaning of the word "joint". A word which, by itself, is not present in any text and which, therefore, does not find a clear definition.

Any interpretation, then, is left to free will. But in the midst of a pandemic that is causing the same deaths as a war, is it really appropriate to let everyone interpret the decrees to their liking?

We continue to be responsible

Our advice is to continue on the path taken up to now, with a great civic sense and collective responsibility. Staying away from loved ones is a torture for everyone, but it is inevitable if you want to save the country. If we were to reunite, then, with our relatives, let's do it in compliance with the laws. We are caring, we avoid gatherings, we take all anti-contagion precautions and we continue to protect our loved ones most at risk, bearing in mind that it is for their good that we do it.

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