The benefits of swimming during pregnancy for mom and baby

There are so many things that are off-limits during pregnancy, so it's no surprise that many expectant mothers aren't sure they can bathe or swim when they find out they are pregnant. After all, they don't want to unknowingly harm the unborn child, and they don't even want to risk a miscarriage or premature labor!

The good news is that pregnant swimming is allowed! Even in the first months of your first pregnancy, you can step into the tub and relax in the warm water. However, there are some tips and tricks to follow.

If you want to find out all the things that are best avoided during pregnancy, watch this video!

Swimming in pregnancy: 4 tips to follow

1. Avoid water that is too hot
Too high temperatures can harm the baby. So don't swim if the water is too hot and make sure the temperature is below 38 degrees centigrade.

2. Don't stay too long in the water
It is best not to stay in the water for more than 10-15 minutes.

3. Don't forget to drink
Because some mothers have blood circulation problems, it is always best to drink 1 or 2 glasses of water before taking a bath. This gesture will also help you in the case of dizziness.

4. Don't bathe "unsupervised"
During pregnancy, swimming is allowed, but it is better not to do your own thing and to be followed by a specialized instructor.

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20th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 5th month of pregnancy

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Swimming during pregnancy to stimulate childbirth

Soaking in warm water should help start the contractions. However, this is only true if the baby is really ready. If you are already having light contractions, you can determine if they are real contractions or not by taking a bath. The false ones. disappear with hot water. If the contractions don't stop, it's time to go to the hospital.

Want to learn more about contractions? Find out how to recognize them and when to go to the hospital.

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The benefits of swimming during pregnancy

Swimming is an excellent sport for pregnant women, because it helps to loosen the joints avoiding them from being stiff, and in addition, in the water the mother finally feels weightless and slim again just like before she had a baby bump. Let's see a list of benefits related to swimming in pregnancy

  • The water relaxes the muscles

In the water through the movements of swimming, the muscles relax and stretch, especially the lower limbs that are discharged of all body weight. In general, swimming is very relaxing and a little exercise will be good for you and the baby.

  • The swellings disappear

When you are pregnant, weight gain and circulatory problems often cause swelling of the feet and ankles. By swimming, you push away the fluids that cause water retention. Swimming obviously also improves the blood circulation of the body. All this allows the feet and ankles. to deflate making you feel more at ease immediately.

  • Swimming helps you stay fit

Swimming while pregnant will help you shed the pounds gained during pregnancy more easily. It also improves muscle tone and relieves joints and ligaments from stress and pain. The important thing is not to overdo it: 30 minutes are enough to repeat 3 times a week.

  • Any kind of pain subsides

Aches and pains are the order of the day when you are pregnant, but most women who have swum during gestation have found a drastic decrease in whole body pain.

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Practice swimming during pregnancy depending on the trimester

Here are some tips to help you swim safely when pregnant.

  • First trimester: During the first trimester it is recommended that you swim 30 minutes a day. You will thus be able to improve your strength and make the activity that awaits you in the second quarter easier.
  • Second trimester: This is the trimester in which mothers usually decide to stop swimming. Nothing more wrong! Get a maternity costume and give priority to the "back" style.
  • Third trimester: This is the quarter of tension, you will be in pain and easily irritable. The advice is to decrease the "frog" pools to stretch the muscles, reduce the load on the back and avoid neck pain. Instead, avoid the back altogether.

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Swimming during pregnancy: better sea, pool or lake?

Green light to the sea, the pool and the lake for swimming. At the pool you might think of following a real course suitable for pregnant women, there are many with specialized instructors who will explain the most suitable movements for pregnant women.

Avoid hot tubs when pregnant: the water is warmer, so bacteria can multiply better. As the acid level in the vagina is reduced during pregnancy, the risk of a fungal infection increases.

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When is it best not to swim during pregnancy?

Your body is more fragile when you are pregnant, pay attention to one or more of these symptoms: if you feel them it is better to stop altogether. Maybe ask your doctor for a consultation too.

  • Vertigo or dizziness
  • Ache
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Fluid loss
  • Shortness of breath
  • Palpitations

If you recognize any of these events, it is best to stop swimming immediately and consult a doctor. You can make up for it with other types of sports suitable for pregnancy (e.g. yoga).
Despite everything, for most pregnant women, swimming remains one of the favorite sports and practiced with pleasure!

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