The most beautiful plants for the garden to grow in pots

One of the most popular wishes is to have a large garden full of lush plants with fragrant flowers. However, many varieties can also be successfully grown in pots, to be placed on the terrace or on the balcony. This list contains our favorite outdoor plants - they are all black thumb proof!

By the way, did you know that the aloe plant has beneficial properties? Find out by watching the video.

Evergreen or flowering: outdoor plants for your home

A beautiful plant inserted in a design vase furnishes even the saddest terrace with little effort. Who said that you can enjoy the pleasure of greenery only if you have a large garden? On the market there are many plant species of all price ranges that make the outside of our houses a pleasant place in which to spend long days outdoors. "open air. A type of plant very suitable for terraces and gardens, for example, is that of evergreens: they do not lose their leaves even in winter and, if planted in large pots where they can stretch the roots, they are generally also very robust.

A special effect is given by the climbing plants that grow following the supports; rhyncospermum jasminoides, or jasmine, is one of the varieties most used to wrap racks on terraces. Jasmine is a plant that can only be grown outdoors but that gives ample satisfaction. Its delicate and fragrant white flowers open in spring, however, being an evergreen plant, it covers railings and balconies with its leaves even in the winter months. At an affordable price, jasmine makes the outside full of flowers with an enchanting scent: planted in large pots, it is a piece of furniture that decorates the terrace in a special way.

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The right pot for each plant

The plants inserted in the pots adapt easily both to the garden and to a smaller environment, the important thing is that the container where they have been planted is of an adequate size for their growth needs. The more a plant grows in height, in fact, the more its roots will lengthen, so it is necessary to plan to place it in a fairly large pot. The plants can be transplanted both in classic terracotta or plastic pots, and in more modern solutions that wink at design.

Plants to be used on the balcony and terrace, or in the garden, can be purchased in all specialized garden centers and also in nurseries that sell online. With home delivery you won't even need to go to the greenhouse: just draw up a list of the plants you want and order them.

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As for pots and planters, there are all types and all prices: from Amazon to flea markets, choosing the right pot for the right plant is fun.

If the vegetable garden is not in your strings and you dedicate yourself to gardening only occasionally, the cultivation of plants in pots could be the right solution to enjoy some greenery without spending too much time on it. However, if you keep your plants on the terrace, There is only one precaution to consider. Pay attention to the weight that the larger varieties can reach: between the pot and the weight of the plant, in fact, it is better to choose plastic pots in order not to overload the structure too much.

How to take care of plants all year round

According to a survey carried out by Colvin, 68% of Italians say they have become increasingly familiar with plants in recent months. During the lockdown, many filled their homes with plants to feel better, while also improving their green skills. However, one of the aspects that worries most concerns the care and longevity of the shrubs.

Here are some tips to help them grow healthy, edited by Magalí Puig, Colvin's plant Expert.

  • Water the plants little and often and don't forget the fertilizer!
  • Increase the watering in the warm period, when the needs of the plant change radically.
  • Carefully study the needs of each type of plant you have decided to buy, only in this way will you give it a long life.
  • If you go on vacation, don't leave the plants to themselves: look for someone who can take care of them, or find out about self-irrigation systems.
  • On the hottest days it uses a vaporizer to increase the humidity of the plant which is deprived of the strong heat.

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Green as a furnishing element: colorful flowers for balconies and terraces

Among the easiest flowering plants to grow are the Japanese anemone, a bush that can reach 70 cm in height. Thanks to its delicate white and pink flowers, it is one of the most popular perennials for gardening enthusiasts. easy to maintain is Lewisia, a succulent perennial plant with few pretensions. If you are looking for a scenographic effect, opt for the Delfinium: it is part of the bushy deciduous plants and in season it produces beautiful white and pink flowers. In general, the flowering plants do sow starting from the first hottest days: the frosts of winter are not good for the seedlings inside the planters.

For those with little space available, there are beautiful varieties, easy to maintain and also useful in the kitchen: they are aromatic plants. In America it is very fashionable to create the so-called green space, a sort of green corner on the terrace or on the balcony that furnishes and relaxes the mind. A bit of colored pots on Amazon or in the nursery, a few easy-to-maintain plants and voila, the green corner is ready.

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The strongest potted garden plants

  • Eleagnus Ebbingei. It is a hardy plant that comes from Asia. It adapts well in many climatic situations because it is decidedly rustic. When cultivated in pots, watering must be abundant because it tends to dry out.
  • Erica Canaliculata. This resistant plant belongs to the Erica family and is widespread throughout Italy thanks to the beautiful colored flowers and the ability to withstand the cold, even if intense. It is transplanted in early autumn: a planter with colored heather decorates the house. all the year. It does not like the heat and therefore cannot be grown indoors. On Amazon (taking advantage of the shipment home) there are special containers with which to make compositions based on heather and other flowering plants.
  • Fotinia. Photinia (Photinia) is a garden hybrid native to Australia that has spread as a garden hedge. There are many varieties but the most famous is the Red Robin, an evergreen shrub with reddish leaves. Warning: the branches contain a resin sticky that sticks to the hands.
  • Genista Lydia. This plant, also called Syrian broom, is a shrub native to the Balkans. It produces beautiful yellow flowers and is particularly appreciated for its adaptability to the driest and most stony soils.
  • Rhyncospermum jasminoides. Jasmine is one of the most popular outdoor plants that can be grown in pots. It is resistant but at the same time very decorative. Jasmine produces a white flower with a heavenly scent, but at the same time, they are also very resistant to cold, so their cultivation is not difficult.

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  • Heuchera. Native to North America, true heuchera is a very decorative rustic plant that beautifies the garden with its colors even in winter. It can also be grown in pots without particular problems. The Cherry Cola variety has reddish leaves and beautiful yellow and orange flowers and is perfect for black thumbs - it practically never dies!
  • Clivia miniata. Clivia is a long green leafy plant that produces large orange flowers. It lives well in pots, even inside the house, and does not have big pretensions. It is born spontaneously in South Africa and needs a large enough pot to contain its roots. It has a very low price and can be bought comfortably online by taking advantage of the shipping at home.
  • Viburnum. Evergreen plant native to Europe, the viburnum produces a white flower and also produces small (toxic) fruits that attract birds throughout the year. It is extremely resistant and its wood contains a resin used in the pharmacological field. Like all rustic shrubs it does not present particular difficulties of cultivation but cannot be kept inside.

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  • Grandiflora variegata. Grandiflora is an evergreen shrub with glossy leaves. Being very rustic it also grows well in pots facing north and south. It is often used to delimit the lawn and create borders to alternate with colored flowers.
  • Iberis. Iberis is an evergreen bush variety with large white flowers. It can be planted in pots and gives great satisfaction. Growing this plant is easy: it also gives a touch of delicate color to the lawn and, if planted near the vegetable garden, it softens the rustic effect with its elegance.

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