Premenopause: Early Symptoms and How to Treat Them

It is important to know the stages of a woman and how to prevent the possible symptoms and discomfort of these periods. Here we will talk about pre-menopause. Premenopause, or perimenopause, is the stage found in the climacteric. The climacteric, if you have never heard of it, includes the phases before and after menopause.
Premenopause, as we know, is the phase that precedes the entry into menopause and which lasts for several years, during which certain symptoms appear and develop. The latter naturally vary from woman to woman, especially in terms of intensity. Many women stop having periods for a year and then go through menopause. But not all women have periods.
You may not have much information about it, even among women it has become a taboo subject.

Pre-menopause is a time when the body and psychology undergo profound changes. Sometimes experienced as a difficult period, pre-menopause can start at age 40 for women and last for two to seven years. During this period, about 70% of women are affected to a greater or lesser extent by the ailments, in body and mind.

Before proceeding, we will immediately reveal some natural remedies to counter them and live this moment in serenity.

See also

Premenopause: what it is and how to deal with it

Mononucleosis: the symptoms

Candida: what are the symptoms, how is it treated and how to prevent it?

In some women this period can be brought forward to a younger age. Every woman is different, but it is true that a bad life in terms of nutrition, exercise and smoking for example can lead to more problems during menopause, and of course. in the pre-menopause.

Smoking: Women who smoke are more likely to have more complications in pre-menopause and menopause.
Cancer: Chemotherapy treatments are of great interest to women. Many women tend to go through menopause much earlier.
Past: family history is very important. Having a family history is almost always a sign that you are more likely to have one too.

The importance of the period

This period of slowing down of the reproductive organs, the changes experienced by women are more important during menopause, but you can also experience this phase well: every woman is different and reacts differently to these changes. Don't worry: you may identify with some of the symptoms described here, but that doesn't mean you're not pre-menopausal. Knowing the signs of early pre-menopause and how to deal with it can be very helpful.

The menstrual cycle

Every woman's hormone system is different, and pre-menopausal estrogen levels vary greatly, so much so that this also affects the menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycles can be lengthened or shortened, and you can have cycles in which the ovaries do not release eggs. If you have not had a period for 12 months, you will know if you have reached menopause.

The most common symptoms of premenopause

Symptoms of pre-menopause are numerous and can last for many years before menopause. For many women, these start around the age of 40. Female sex hormones (especially estrogen) begin to destabilize - changes that lead to a number of symptoms that we list below.

1. Hot flashes

It is very common to feel very hot even when we are on period.To face the heat during these phases, it is preferable to have not only good quality bed linen, but also the clothes you wear every day: choose more breathable fabrics that allow you to escape the heat. Hot flashes are quite evident during menstruation; however, in pre-menopause they increase and their duration and intensity usually vary depending on the woman. Often these hot flashes occur at night, hence the importance of having tissues that help us sleep much better.

2. Difficulty sleeping

Usually caused by unwanted pre-menopausal heat. Try to choose fabrics such as Egyptian cotton or others that help maintain the correct temperature of the bed in both winter and summer.

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3. Menstrual cycles more and more irregular and spaced apart

If very sudden changes in menstruation occur during the 40s and 50s, it is pre-menopause. These changes are usually associated with very short or very long menstrual cycles. The amount of your menstrual cycle also varies a lot, which makes it a little uncomfortable.

4. Loss of urine

Loss of urine can begin long before pregnancy. The genital area is made up of muscles that must also be exercised to keep the organs in good shape and prevent urine loss. If you have had even one or more pregnancies, we recommend that you often do the so-called Kegel exercises (which include the other, they also help to improve sexual activity!). In this way you will avoid an uncomfortable loss of urine before and during menopause.

5. Vaginal dryness (greater difficulty in sex)

Vaginal dryness is a sexual problem for many women. Constant changes in hormone levels cause a noticeable loss of vaginal elasticity and lubrication. There are already several gels on the market that help protect this area from vaginal dryness and continue to make intercourse comfortable. We recommend KENDRA Vaginal Lubricating Gel: Emollient, Soothing and Lubricating Action With D-Mannose and Hyaluronic Acid - made in Italy, is available on Amazon for € 16.90!

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6. Leg pains (abdominal cramps or swelling)

Changes in hormones weaken bones and promote osteoporosis. This disease is caused by a loss of calcium in the bones that weakens over the years.
Another problem associated with this phase is fluid retention. Hormones also help balance the water in our body, so if they stop working properly, so do fluids. To help drain our body, it is important to opt for infusions, especially raspberry, horsetail or dandelion, which help to eliminate lots of fluids.

7. Mood swings and concentration problems

Obviously, physical discomfort has repercussions on our emotional and psychological sphere. You will end up being hypersensitive and subject to constant mood swings, which lead to a certain irritability and instability. This state of anxiety can lead to ailments such as insomnia, fatigue, hypochondria, crisis of plan and memory loss. get to have a decrease in appetite and libido and a possible appearance of depressive symptoms.

What to do?

These estrogen changes in women can be balanced with some natural remedies, a balanced diet and exercise. Among the most recommended plants in this phase c is sage. Sage is the quintessential plant for women as it has a multitude of benefits: it helps tone the nervous system and also the female reproductive system. In addition, it is a very beneficial plant for increasing strength, vitality which helps prevent osteoporosis, and on the other hand helps to avoid hot flashes.

Pre-menopausal symptoms can manifest themselves very differently depending on the woman. These signs can sometimes be perceived to a small extent or not at all! However, do not hesitate to consult your doctor or gynecologist if in doubt: pre-menopause can sometimes cause a hormonal problem.

Thanks to simple rules of life and changes in diet, it is possible to fight the most unpleasant symptoms of pre-menopause. Drug treatment (based on hormone replacement) may, in some cases, be considered.

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During this pre-menopausal period there are changes in the woman's body that can be mitigated. A correct lifestyle helps against the unpleasant symptoms of menopause: exercise, sleep, rest, a balanced diet low in fat and meat, tobacco and alcohol. Foods can also be enriched with food supplements: antioxidants, vitamins E and C or soy (isoflavones), their preventive action can help anticipate the negative effects of maturity. We recommend these supplements with excellent results:

  • PAUSANORM FORTE Salugea 100% Natural - Supplement for Menopause Soy-free, with Red Clover, Kudzu, Dioscorea, Verbena. Buy it on Amazon for only € 30.00!
  • KEARVIT Food Supplement for Menopausal Women Fights Hot Flashes, Insomnia and Depression Soy-Free With Completely Natural Red Clover. Buy it on Amazon for € 25.99!

Do not forget!

If you have more doubts about pre-menopause, menopause or your menstrual cycle, we always recommend that you contact your gynecologist. It is important that you do this not only for any anomalies, but also for a check. This way you can avoid and prevent diseases of the ovaries and breasts among others. These professionals will be able to advise you in a personalized way and give you a much more precise diagnosis.

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