10,000 steps a day: six useful tips to reach the goal

Walk out the door, get in the car and reach your desk - why walk when you can simply (and comfortably) drive to your every destination? Unfortunately, it is precisely this attitude that leads us to move too little today (not to mention all the pollution we produce from our cars).

While our ancestors were always on the move, we are becoming more and more sedentary. Although human beings are able to cover great distances with only the help of their body, the modern lifestyle makes us more and more accommodating and lazy and excludes physical activity from our daily life.

Doctors recommend people to walk around 10,000 steps per day. But Italians on average barely reach 5,000, and the average office worker can only take 1,500 steps. Yet walking 10,000 steps a day isn't as difficult as it sounds! (Here's a handy pedometer on Amazon.)

A walk, in addition to being a healthy and pleasant activity, is very useful for freeing the body and mind from stress and anxiety. Watch this video and discover all the solutions with which to manage panic attacks!

Although the Coronavirus makes it difficult to leave the house even just to practice healthy physical activity, we can take advantage of this moment of pause and reflection to question ourselves and our lives, evaluating to eliminate some unhealthy behaviors and instead integrate new ones. and healthy habits. Taking 10,000 steps a day falls into the latter category and, for this reason, we have collected some stimulating ideas that will allow you to easily achieve this goal, improving your physical performance and your mood.

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Walking 10,000 steps a day is good for your health

Regular physical activity is important not only for our shape but also, and above all, for our health. Walking, in particular, helps prevent conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, depression and dementia. In addition, it greatly strengthens joints and muscles, improving endurance and strengthening the cardiovascular system. Did you know, for example, that just 15 minutes of exercise a day can extend your life by 3 years?

But the benefits of walking don't end there. In fact, walking 10,000 steps a day can help you burn up to 500 calories that would otherwise get trapped in your body, weighing it down even further. (Choose this on Amazon!)

So that at the end of the day you will know precisely how many steps you have managed to take, we recommend that you use a smartwatch, a chic and practical watch, but above all extremely reliable as a pedometer.

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> Read also: anti-cellulite exercises to do at home

6 tips to be able to walk 10,000 steps a day

If you feel like you don't have the time to devote yourself to physical activity consistently, thanks to our suggestions you will have to change your mind. Through some precautions, it will be possible to walk up to 10,000 steps a day without even realizing it. If you are ready to change some habits and to shake off laziness, here are 6 tips with which to reach a goal of 10,000 steps per day!

1. Avoid the car

Make a good resolution for yourself and the environment: do without your car more and more often! Whether it's going to work, to town or to meet your best friend: get on your bike and start pedaling. 30 minutes of cycling are the equivalent of about 3,000 steps, there and back will take you to a total of 6,000 steps and you won't even have to worry about parking!

Even when you go shopping, opt for a bike or a walk. In this case, we recommend that you bring a backpack or store your groceries in the bicycle basket.

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> Read also: all the benefits of the exercise bike

2. More kilometers = more steps

Is the supermarket just around the corner? It doesn't matter! Run to a supermarket further away, even if you only need to grab one thing. The more meters you walk, the easier it is to reach 10,000 steps a day. weekend, however, divide them into several days so you will not have to put too much weight on your back and the goal of the daily steps will be more and more feasible!

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3. Go up the stairs instead of taking the elevator

It can be very easy to integrate an extra dose of exercise into your daily routine, such as taking the stairs. Instead of going up the escalator or taking the elevator, let's walk a few steps. Walking up and down the stairs not only stimulates circulation, but also tones the calves and thighs and makes the buttocks firmer than ever, reasons. more than enough to motivate us to make this "uncomfortable" choice.

However, if you suffer from knee problems, you shouldn't overdo the stairs, because when we go up step by step, the entire weight of the body rests on the kneecap. In this case, limit yourself to a maximum of three total ramps.

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4. Walk ... around the house!

Are you so busy with housework that you can't walk 10,000 steps a day? Simple: Incorporate movement into your home routine. For example, while ironing, keep your legs in constant motion or just take out the trash as often as you can, without waiting for the bin to explode.

Do you also find brushing your teeth pretty boring? Instead of standing in front of the sink, walk around the house for a few minutes, being careful not to smudge the floor with toothpaste. In this way, it will be possible to reach 10,000 steps per day even when at home!

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> Read also: exercises to do at home to lose weight

5. Walk

Take advantage of the lunch break to go out and enjoy a walk in the open air. Not only to do some physical activity, but also to distract yourself and loosen the muscles that, by dint of sitting and not always in the correct position, are tense and aching.

Even after work, avoid lying on the sofa, rather go out for a walk, preferably with a friend!

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> Read also: all the benefits of brisk walking

6. Get out early

Is the road to work too long to be able to do without the bus, train or car? No problem. Just get off a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the way. Or park your car a few hundred meters away. This way, you will be able to walk 10,000 steps a day despite a comfortable journey by car or train. By doing so, you will also enjoy some fresh air!

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