Mirror of my desires, who is the fairest in the realm? More and more men from the surgeon!

Are you convinced that Narcissus is only the protagonist of a Greek myth? You are wrong! Vanity is more and more man and research confirms it. The number of boys who rely on beauty treatments and cosmetic surgery to erase the signs of age is growing exponentially. A survey conducted by Allergan, a pharmaceutical company specializing in the development and marketing of eye care drugs, revealed unequivocal data: humans are very demanding in terms of beauty, especially that of the eye area.

Through a survey, carried out in Italy, Great Britain, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Spain, the pharmaceutical company, in collaboration with a team of twelve doctors, tried to understand how the male sex considers their eyes, the part of the body. more prone to aging. Key words were suggested to the interviewees with which to define their gaze and as many as 37% of them said they saw him tired and wanted to erase the consequences of long days at work, nights with friends and a few hours sleep through specific treatments.

It seems that it is not only women who worry about aesthetics. Beware men, do not overdo it!