Choose and wear colored contact lenses

It is well known, you always want what you don't have ... if you are curly you would like to have straight hair, you would like to have a perfect butt like the top model of the moment! Why not wish, then, to have eyes of a different color? Colored lenses offer you the opportunity to change the color of your eyes: brown can become blue, light blue a little bland a bright teal. Why not try? Follow our tips to avoid making mistakes and to discover the products offered by opticians. But beware of blunders ...

Choose a type of lens

The eyes are all different, so before choosing the new color, you need to choose the lenses that match your eyes.

See also

Eyebrow tint: how to do it and how to choose the right color!

How to choose the color of the foundation, in the shop or online

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There are 4 types of lenses:

- The intensifying lenses do not change the natural color of your eyes. They make them sparkle, illuminating your gaze. This new depth is achieved by strengthening the contour of the iris.

- If you want to change color radically, choose opaque lenses. They are perfect for dark eyes!

- To shine with originality, opt for patterned contact lenses, to be on the safe side. With a cat or snake look, you will bewitch everyone.

- Filter lenses improve color vision and correct optical effects. Ideal for seeing la vie en rose!

Choose the color that's right for you

The choice of color is very important: go to the optician and take all the time necessary to try on all the lenses you want.

> For a soft change, it is best to stay in the shades of your color and then, over time, come to a more radical change.

> For clear eyes, intensifying lenses are perfect. They will enhance your look and allow you a discreet change.

> Everything is allowed, however, to brown eyes. Opt for opaque lenses, for a guaranteed effect! A deep blue or deep green will make your eyes shine!

The rules to be respected

Colored lenses are used in exactly the same way as prescription lenses. The same precautions must be observed. If you are not in the habit of wearing lenses, the first few times it is recommended to keep them only half a day, so as not to irritate the cornea. Do you already wear prescription lenses? Then nothing is simpler than getting the colored version: a prescription from your ophthalmologist will suffice. And if you want to create a surprise effect, don't warn your loved ones about this change ...

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