Hair loss in autumn: 6 remedies to strengthen them in the changing seasons!

In autumn, it is known, more hair is lost; the change of season is in fact rather stressful for the hair, which are particularly affected in the period between October and December. Hair loss is unfortunately an unpleasant inconvenience that affects many women: who of us, after all, has not found ourselves having to clean the bottom of the shower completely covered with hair? Not to mention the specimens that got stuck in brushes or in the corners of the floor.

In short, to avoid unpleasant episodes - often even embarrassing - we have decided to recommend you 5 natural anti-fall remedies for your hair, perfect for autumn. Here is a preview of some small previews ...

Why does hair fall out in the fall?

First, do you know why people lose their hair? And above all, why is hair loss particularly concentrated in the autumn period? There is a very simple reason: losing hair, especially in the change of season, is completely normal, as the hair follows its life cycle, so twice a year, which coincide with spring and autumn, yes. occur fall and regrowth. Normally, this type of problem is not an episode to be alarmed about, but if you consider the amount of hair lost to be excessive, you can contact your doctor, asking for specific treatments to strengthen the immune system and fight physical weakness and stress. Undoubtedly these are aspects that affect hair loss.

And now let's see the top 5 remedies for hair loss in the fall!

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1. Avoid washing your hair too often

You know, for us women it is not easy to postpone the time of washing, since we particularly care about having hair that is always shiny and in perfect order. Yet, we should keep the mania of continuous washing at bay and think a little more about the health of our hair. That's right, washing our hair too frequently can lead to weaken and wear it excessively, making it easier to fall out, especially in periods of changing. in season, and especially in autumn, so it is better to take a few more days with the help of small natural tricks such as talcum powder or a little dry shampoo, both of which are useful for trying to delay washing. Often in fact, it is we ourselves who perceive our hair dirtier than it actually is; with the "help of a little" talcum powder and dry shampoo, however, you will be able to act above all on the skin - the part of the hair that gets dirty more quickly - and to make it less greasy, postponing even the moment of shampooing for one or two days .

2. Use natural products

Another "anti-hair loss precaution is to choose organic and completely natural cosmetic products, which do not excessively stress the skin and are not too aggressive. Often, in fact, excessively loaded products could damage the skin and weaken the hair, especially if you have hair. thin and thin with a tendency to break. Better to opt for lines of natural and organic products that combine effectiveness with a certain delicacy, friend of even the most fragile hair.

3. Constantly apply strengthening masks and natural packs

Strengthening wraps and masks are also a great way to strengthen hair and limit its fall, especially during the dreaded changes of season. In fact, reinforcing masks are indispensable especially for those with very fine hair, subject to stress and fall throughout the year, not only in spring and autumn.

To combat hair loss you can rely on "grandmother's" natural remedies, which make use of simple and natural elements, creating effective packs, very easy to make and cheap.

  • One of the most effective strengthening masks for this purpose is the one based on mayonnaise. It is in fact rich in eggs, vinegar and oil, all elements that help harden the hair, strengthening it and limiting its fall.
  • Even compresses with nettle or rosemary are a great way to counteract weakness and fragility of the hair.
  • But there are many foods that can come to our aid to create strengthening and nourishing anti-hair loss masks and packs. You can choose compresses made from avocado pulp or papaya, with yogurt, honey, lemon or orange juice.
  • Ginger, coconut oil, aloe vera, henna and flax seeds are also excellent elements for anti-fall masks and packs. In the video below, we suggest one, perfect for those with brittle hair. and devitalized, which uses linseed oil, white clay and apple cider vinegar.

If you are not used to DIY, you can go to the sought after natural remedies in herbal medicine: you will find many effective preparations and specifically indicated for your hair type.

4. Avoid using a straightener and hairdryer too often

It goes without saying that a wild use of straighteners and hairdryers helps to make hair brittle and brittle, making it easier to fall out, especially during seasonal changes such as autumn. Limit the use of the straightener, and if you really have to use it, make sure first to apply a protective spray that takes care of the hair and preserves it from the harmful action of excessive heat. Even for the hairdryer, if you can, limit yourself a little: for example, in the hot season, dedicate yourself to healthy natural drying, which in winter is more risky, due to the cold and possible ailments, such as colds, neck and neck pain .

5. Avoid holding the hair dryer too close and at high temperatures

Another precaution is to try to avoid keeping the hair dryer too attached to the hair and using it at temperatures that are too high. Rather take ten minutes more, but choose an average temperature that does not stress the skin too much and ruin and damage tips and lengths.

6. Fight hair loss with nutrition

One of the first elements to prevent and avoid hair loss is to choose a specific and adequate diet.

Vitamins B, A and H are very important in this regard. In particular the vitamins of group B, B7, B12 and folic acid, contained in many foods, including salmon, cereals, avocado, chicken, turkey meat, egg and green vegetables such as asparagus, artichokes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, fresh peas, cauliflower.

Iron, copper and zinc also have a beneficial effect on the hair, in particular, the former promotes oxygenation of the hair. These foods are found in spinach, oatmeal, almonds, wholemeal bread, chicken and beef.
Zinc promotes regrowth and the formation of new tissue, while copper plays a fundamental role in maintaining hair pigmentation.

Amino acids and proteins then conclude the list of anti-hair loss foods: these are found in eggs, meat, cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Among the elements to avoid are: sugar, sweets in general, sausages, foods that are too fatty and canned foods.

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