Dreaming of insects - what does it mean according to the interpretation of dreams?

Dreaming of insects is very common: it is generally not very pleasant dreams in which these small animals (beetles, grasshoppers, ants or bees that are) climb on us, jump into the bed or other places in the house. The meaning of dreaming about insects can vary, but it is always representative of something annoying and that generates anguish. Here is what it means or what it can indicate to dream insects according to the interpretation of dreams!

What does it mean to dream of insects according to the interpretation of dreams?

Dreaming of insects is rather unpleasant: those who have such a dream usually feel a sense of horror, fear or annoyance caused by the disgust that animals such as cockroaches or millipedes generally arouse. Dreaming of insects can therefore indicate that you are experiencing something similar in real life, that you are gripped by a situation, a fear, a thought or even a person that causes a similar sense of anguish, anxiety and annoyance.

Dreaming of insects therefore means that you are dealing with someone or something negative that generates a sense of alarm in us, the fear of being somehow invaded and damaged. It is a fear and an "anxiety out of control, something that our unconscious cannot control.

Dreaming of insects therefore means being afraid of not knowing how to defend oneself from this threat perceived as invasive: there is something swarming, ugly, contaminating that assails us from the outside and against which we feel powerless.

So if you happen to dream of insects, you may feel troubled by something even in your everyday reality, not just in dreams! And if there are more than one insects and they all appear together (perhaps swarming over you or in your bed or in your house), this may indicate your feeling assaulted by obsessive thoughts, fears, guilt, traumatic episodes that haunt you and that you can not in any way drive away.

Summarizing, therefore, dreaming of insects - according to the interpretation of dreams - refers to feelings of repressed anger, annoyances and worries, nervousness related to a particular situation, obsessive thoughts, feelings of guilt, physical persons by whom we feel persecuted and towards whom we feel helpless.

See also

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Dreaming of cockroaches, bees, ants ... what is the meaning of these dreams?

Dreaming of insects can have a different meaning also based on the type of insect present in the dream. If, for example, the insect in question is a cockroach, the dream means that you have lost control in your life, that you feel a sense of invasion and threat from the outside in front of which you feel helpless, or that you some form of "filth" or meanness on the part of someone towards you is felt in real life. Dreaming of cockroaches is quite common and is always linked, in the interpretation of dreams, to something disgusting or frightening that threatens us.

On the other hand, dreaming of an insect such as earthworm or worm usually means that you are dealing with unclear people, who intrude into our life with meanness and wickedness, playing a double game. Another rather recurrent insect in dreams are bees: in this case the interpretation of the dream will be less negative, because the bee is linked to a sense of "purification". Dreaming of insects like bees can in fact indicate that you are experiencing or have experienced a difficult situation, after which, however, you feel like you have been reborn and healed.

An insect like the fly, however, when it appears to us in a dream causes only repulsion: these dreams express the presence of someone or something "dirty" in our life, from which we would like to get away. Wasps, on the other hand, are insects linked to violence: dreaming of a wasp means that you are not expressing your anger in everyday life, but that you are repressing it. Dreaming of insects like ants, finally, can indicate having secrets or things hidden inside us that we are unable to express or even admit to ourselves.

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Dreaming of insects in the house, in the bed, on him ... what does it mean according to the interpretation of dreams?

Dreaming of insects in your home is particularly significant: this dream means that you feel an invasion of your private space, that you feel threatened by worries, obsessive thoughts or people in your everyday life. , it means that these problems and anxieties concern our most intimate sphere: it can be concerns related to the family, to the partner, or to unspoken ones concerning the sexual sphere.

If in the dream the insects jump on us, it means that the sense of annoyance and disturbance is even greater: there is something in our life that has become really difficult for us to bear, that "on the skin" disturbs us and generates discomfort. When then an insect sticks to our skin, it means that we feel a strong sense of guilt.

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Dreaming of eating insects - what does it mean?

It can also happen to dream of eating insects: these are rather disgusting dreams, but indicative of a state of deep sadness and deprivation. Somehow we feel "undernourished" in our interior, as if we do not have the food suitable for our deepest needs.

Dreaming of eating an insect means that you are forced to swallow malice, disgust, negative feelings, which instead you should try to remove and "throw out" to be able to feel good.

Dreaming of insects - the lotto numbers according to the Neapolitan grimace

If you are interested in knowing the lottery numbers to which the dream of insects corresponds to the Neapolitan grimace, you are satisfied! Dreaming of an insect corresponds to the number 3; dreaming of cockroaches, on the other hand, at number 16. Dreaming of insects in the bed corresponds to number 22, eating insects at number 86.

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