Martina Colombari: shopping with her son Achille in the streets of Milan

In recent days Martina Colombari has been photographed while she was doing some shopping in the streets of Milan with her son Achille, had by her husband Alessandro Costacurta, with whom she has been a regular couple for many years.

The soubrette, who sported a sober and refined style, as usual, has in fact decided to make use of the consultation of a small assistant of exception for her shopping in Via Monte Napoleone. Achille, born from the marriage of the former Miss Italy with Billy , celebrated in June 2004, is now 10 years old and, judging by the images, he has not been particularly annoyed by the forced shopping session with his mother.

Here are the photos of Martina Colombari struggling with Milanese shopping with Achille.

Martina Colombari with her son Achille

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