Test: how resilient are you?

In recent years one of the most used words of all, so much so that it has ended up tattooed on the body of many, because the concept behind this term is a concept that generates strength and also a sense of hope. In psychology, resilience defines the ability of people to be able to deal with stressful or traumatic events, to absorb them and to reorganize their lives in a positive way in the face of difficulties: therefore resilience is the ability to quickly recover our emotional structure. resilience, watch this video, even in the smallest things you find out how you are:

Test: how resilient are you?

Resilience would be innate in human beings, as a species, it is a form of psycho-emotional adaptation, determined not only by external events but above all by subjectivity. Those who are not very flexible in this sense can work on it, therefore being little inclined to resilience is not a condemnation, the latter being a tendency on which one can strengthen oneself with determination and conscience. Are you resilient? Take the test and find out, here it is:

See also

Test: how anxious are you?

Test: are you more a girl or more a woman?

Test: how good are you at kissing?

How do you sit down? The way you sit reveals something about you: find out what with our test.

Tags:  Fashion Old-Test - Psyche Lifestyle