Total groin waxing: the pros and cons of this method

When we talk about intimate hair removal, total waxing of the pubic area is one of the methods that comes to mind first. It is, in fact, one of the most famous and used ways to depilate the bikini area, however some think it can be dangerous. In this article we will clarify the subject and see how to properly remove the hair of the private parts. The hygiene in that area, you know, is important: are you sure you wash yourself in the right way?

What is total groin waxing

Shaving or not the intimate area (to be clear, that of the pubis), is a widely discussed and debated topic that every year, especially in view of the summer, comes back strongly. Women (but also men) ask themselves what advantages there are in totally shaving the private parts. There are those who are super fans of total eradication because they cannot bear the sight of even a hair more than necessary, who, on the other hand, coexists very well with hair and would never dream of removing everything . There is also a further group of people, those who would like to have total groin hair removal but are afraid that it hurts or that there are health risks. But what exactly is meant by total waxing?

The "total hair removal of the groin" requires that all the hair of the pubic area be removed, both the one that is commonly eradicated with Brazilian waxing (also called bikini), and the more central one: in short, nothing should remain underneath them. ! There are many methods for hair removal, from professional ones that involve going to a beautician, to do-it-yourself ones. Waxing is one of the most popular and loved by girls because it is cheap, fast and guarantees a good result. Let's see together what they are. the pros and cons of total epilation with waxing and what are the techniques to perform it at best without suffering too much.

© GettyImages total groin waxing: this treatment is carried out on the bikini area and causes slight pain

The pros and cons of total groin waxing

Science seems to contradict those who argue that complete crotch waxing is a more hygienic practice than not shaving. Here because:

  • The hair of our body, including pubic hair, has a specific function: to prevent germs and bacteria from easily penetrating into the private parts, causing infections and diseases. They therefore have an important purpose and to think that eliminating them brings health benefits is a mistake.
  • Numerous studies have in fact shown how the total hair removal of the groin (whether it is done with waxing or with another method) helps to accelerate the proliferation of bacteria. The cause lies in the lack of protection offered by the hair, to the genital area, the which remains "unguarded" and without the thermo-regulating action of the fluff.
  • It seems that women who have undergone total intimate hair removal have a better chance of contracting genital herpes and papilloma virus, mainly due to the small wounds that remain on the skin after waxing.
  • There are those who think that hairs are responsible for bad smells in the genital area: in reality this is not the case because the cause is to be found in incorrect intimate hygiene.
  • If you suffer from skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis or folliculitis, completely depilating the genital area could aggravate the predisposition to such discomfort.
  • Total hair removal in intimate areas seems to favor the contagion of sexually transmitted diseases as the genital area would be deprived of the protection of the hair.

See also: Bikinis: the sexiest swimsuits of the summer

© Forever 21 Bikini

After having seen all these points against complete intimate hair removal, you may be wondering why to do it. Here are the reasons of the supporters of full waxing:

  • The comfort. This is the first and most important pro of total waxing because it allows you to have a more tidy and neat groin area. Often women do not feel comfortable in contact with the hair of the bikini area, therefore waxing could be a good solution to live more carefree.
  • A question of pure aesthetics. There are those who can't stand hair and want to get rid of them so as not to see them: in this case, complete hair removal is the only option to go.
  • To increase sexual pleasure. Some people find that having no hair in the genital area enhances sexual pleasure. The reason would lie in a greater sensitivity of the skin which would cause more satisfying sensations.
  • Keeping your bikini line tidy (with Brazilian waxing, for example) takes more consistency than completely removing all hair once and for all.

© GettyImages total groin waxing: hair removal is a beauty treatment that causes some pain, as opposed to depilatory cream which is a softer method

Tips for a perfect total groin waxing

Although there are numerous methods to epilate the intimate area (from the razor to the laser to the electric epilators), waxing remains the ideal method for those who have decided to do a full hair removal. This, which is also called full bikini or Hollywood, is similar to Brazilian waxing, in which the beautician leaves only a small triangle of hair in the center of the pubis. It can also be done at home but for an optimal result it is advisable to rely on a beauty professional. These are the tips to have smooth and hairless skin without suffering too much:

  • Better to shave gradually. Proceed gradually starting with a high-cut waxing in the bikini area, then moving on to the Brazilian and finally to the total.
  • Beware of irritation. After waxing it is best to apply a moisturizing and soothing cream.
  • Check for ingrown hairs.
  • Let the skin rest. Total waxing should not be done repeatedly because the hair needs to rest. In any case, between a wax and the other it is better to wait two weeks so that the hairs grow back to the optimal length to be plucked.

© GettyImages total groin waxing: razor and depilatory cream do not cause pain as opposed to hair removal performed with waxing

  • Use cotton underwear (preferably white) and avoid clothing made of synthetic material. It is also better not to wear clothes that are too tight, especially immediately after waxing, so as to avoid friction in the groin area that could cause irritation.
  • Always disinfect the skin before waxing.
  • Better to choose the days after your period to shave the groin: the skin in this period is less sensitive and waxing will hurt less.

In short, if you really don't want to give up full hair removal, follow these tips to have silky skin also in the groin area.

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