Liposuction: word to Dr. Renato Calabria, the surgeon of the divas

We recently talked about liposuction, a surgical procedure that uses a cannula to aspirate and thus eliminate body fat in specific areas, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs and buttocks. To deepen the issue and give you as reliable and up-to-date information as possible, we contacted one of the leading experts, Dr. Renato Calabria, plastic surgeon who works in Beverly Hills, Milan and Rome and lecturer at the Department of Plastic Surgery at the University of Southern California.

Read what he told us here.

How widespread is the request to undergo liposuction? Is it an increasing or decreasing trend also given the alternative and less invasive interventions that now exist?
Liposuction is always widespread, what has changed are the more hi-tech and less invasive techniques, such as ultrasound liposuction, very effective and suitable for people who do not want a long hospital stay.

Who is it recommended for? Who is it not recommended for?
Liposuction is recommended for patients who have clearly identifiable localized areas of fat, while it is not recommended for obese people, where the area of ​​fat extends throughout the body.

What are the major risks of liposuction and what are the results that should be expected?
The risks of liposuction are the classic risks of surgery, moreover when more fat is removed than necessary there are alterations in the body fluids that can cause quite significant damage. The secret is to do a targeted liposuction and not to exceed the volumes and, obviously, to carry it out in adequate and safe facilities.

How painful is it? Are the shooting times long?
Liposuction surgery is not painful and simply requires a few days of rest.

© Renato Calabria

See also Liposuction to reduce localized fat