Couple: 8 ideas to break the routine

1. A trip or an impromptu weekend

To get out of the usual “work, dinner and sleep” rhythm, organize a romantic weekend somewhere during the year. Two days without worries, children, housework, will make you rediscover the joys of being together. You will have the opportunity to share more time with your partner and you will be at their complete disposal. You will have the opportunity to talk more and to drag your partner into the flurry of love.

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See also

Couple test: who is your ideal man?

Pair affinity: compatibility between zodiac signs

Sleeping embraced: the benefits and positions of a happy couple

2. Avoid planning everything

Every summer you all go to your in-laws' country villa. Go to the cinema or museum every Sunday. On Saturday there is shopping at the supermarket. The weeks are all the same, because you have a bloody obsession with planning everything. Generally, this is a good solution, because you avoid being caught off guard by events. But your couple has need for changes to last. You should leave more room for the unexpected and spontaneity: you will see that freedom will greatly benefit your couple. Or you can always learn to dance on the walls of the buildings as they do, you know that a little madness helps

3. Try doing new activities together

The watchwords for a good partnership are originality and sharing. Try your hand at a new sport together. Yoga to relax, swimming, tennis… and why not try parachuting? strong, which will nourish your complicity.

4. Be creative in bed

Put some chili in your couple! Try new things, buy some sexy lingerie, do a striptease, choose new places to make love ... There is no need to change positions, rather change the context.Don't make love always and only on Tuesdays can turn on the partner's fantasy too, we can't do everything ourselves!

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5. Pamper yourself

Dedicate time to yourself: go shopping with friends, treat yourself to a session in a beauty salon, a massage. Do not forget that you are a woman, and not just a wife or mother. If you take good care of yourself, you will feel better about yourself, you will be more relaxed and this will have a positive impact on the couple.

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6. Communicate

A bad couple is a couple where communication is non-existent. Once a week, organize a "communicative dinner". At home or in a restaurant, it doesn't matter. Only one imperative: the children are in bed and the television is off. You will take advantage of this regular appointment to talk about what worries you, your anxieties, your desires, your expectations. This practice will prevent you from living together without speaking, as if you were strangers.

7. Cultivate the little attentions

Pamper each other. A candlelight lunch, a gift, a kiss on the neck, a massage with essential oils… These small gestures of tenderness keep the relationship alive and brighten up everyday life. Why not wait for him at the "exit" of the office to go for a drink, for a change?

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8. To each their own spaces

You don't have to do everything together. Give yourself a go out with friends and let him organize a football evening with his friends! You must both have spaces of freedom, otherwise you risk suffocating each other. Why don't you go to the spa for a week with your friends? Furthermore, these moments of separation awaken the nostalgia of the other and the desire to find each other, just like at the beginning of a relationship.

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