"Out": the first animated short in which the protagonist is gay

Greg has decided to move in with his partner Manuel and is preparing everything for the move. Despite a well-established relationship, Greg has not yet found the courage to talk about it openly with his parents, both of whom are unaware of his homosexuality. Until one day, surprisingly, mom and dad show up at his house to help him move and Manuel is forced to escape through the back door. In a moment of great discomfort, the protagonist exchanges identity with Jim, the trusty dog, who, in the role of the man, will finally come to a great awareness: for the parents it is only important that Greg is happy, regardless of everything, including sexual orientation.

An issue that deserves visibility

This is the plot of Out, the short available on Disney + from May 25 in which, for the first time in history, the protagonist is homosexual. This is a big step forward for the LGBTQI community, which has always been targeted and subject to censorship, and a sign of marked openness and inclusiveness on the part of Disney Pixar.

At the center, a question for many still unresolved and painful to face, because, in 2020, we still struggle to be 100% ourselves without the fear of clashing with criticism or, worse, the rejection of others, especially those who we love. This is why coming out (the voluntary declaration of one's homosexuality) is an issue that deserves visibility, thus paving the way for a constructive debate, aimed at accepting oneself and others.

See also

Povia and the homophobic joke: "I do the cleaning, I'm a missed gay"

We challenge you not to be moved

9 minutes of intense emotions that put young and old in front of an authentic existential story, in which many can identify and find comfort. Greg's story is the story of those who finally find the courage to live their own identity (sexual or otherwise) in complete freedom, disintegrating taboos and prejudices and demonstrating that love does not have a single dimension, but is rich in facets.

Tears are assured in the scene of the final hug, when Greg's dad hugs his son's partner to officially sanction his entry into the family, this time through the front door.

We just have to wish you a good vision!

If you want to see the short, you have a 14-day free trial on Disney plus!

Tags:  Old-Couple Love-E-Psychology News - Gossip