Artificial milk

Artificial milk is a food used to feed infants in the first months of life. If it is not possible to breastfeed, this type of bottle milk is used, which is the only valid alternative to breastfeeding. Only the pediatrician can indicate the type of infant formula: there are many on the market and they vary in such a way that the child must be able to take the one that is most suitable for him.

To protect the newborn, there are strict controls on infant formula to ensure that future problems such as allergies or ailments cannot arise.Normally the infant formula to be given to babies up to 5 months is the adapted or starting formula (number 1), which is the most similar to breast milk, enriched with lactose, olysaccharides, (vegetable) fats, vitamins and minerals. After the sixth month of life, follow-on milk (number 2) can be given, which has less lactose, is rich in iron and looks more like cow's milk. After 12 months it is necessary to switch to growth milk, which is always dietetic, but made up of cow's milk with vitamins and mineral salts.

From this period the baby can take cow's milk because his digestive system is almost fully developed. There are also types of milk for premature babies or low-weight babies, particularly rich in protein, which allows a fast recovery of growth and is indicated with the number 0. There are also liquid artificial milks (more practical) on the market, which must be used within 48 hours, are to be kept in the fridge once opened, and milk powders which must be consumed within 15-20 days. If the child does not finish the meal, it is advisable not to use it again later. When buying a package, you must obviously carefully check the expiry date of the product.

See also

Growth milk: 5 answers to the questions that all mothers ask themselves

Breast milk: how to increase production and how to store it?

What milk should you give to babies after the year? Tips for finding out more

If the baby does not tolerate a certain type of milk, he can be given dietary milk, for example the lactose-free one, which avoids gaseous colic, or the artificial H.A. for those children who suffer from milk protein allergy, but it is more expensive and does not taste good. A valid alternative is soy milk, when the baby is allergic to cow's milk proteins or in case of intestinal diseases. Finally, there is also anti-regurgitation milk with added substances that improve the problem of vomiting.

For the preparation it is necessary to respect some small hygiene rules: clean hands as well as the clothes worn and precision in the doses, whether it is powdered or liquid milk. For powdered milk it is good to use non-carbonated water with low mineral content, with a modest content of mineral salts in order not to alter the properties of the artificial milk; if you wanted to use tap water you would have to boil it and then let it cool.

See also:
Parents' mission: the advantages and risks of self-weaning
Baby's first days of life. How to live them serenely?
The first month of life of the newborn
First year of life. The advice quarter by quarter
The golden rules of breastfeeding
Breastfeeding and work, a possible combination?
The baby bottle
Becoming a mother: what changes?
Breast milk

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