Phrases about fate and coincidences: here are the most beautiful

When particular coincidences happen, we find it hard to believe that "it was just a coincidence" because destiny seems to want to communicate something to us. Whether it is a love story that suddenly blossoms or another event that disturbs us, these are the phrases about destiny and coincidences that can help us put our thoughts in order. Do you know that even dreams can direct us on the choices to make? If you want to find out what it means, don't miss this video!

Phrases about fate

Here are some phrases uttered by the great authors of the past regarding destiny. There are those who believe that it has already been established at the moment of our birth and those who instead believe that fate does not exist: man creates his fortune every day with the result of his actions. Two different but at the same time fascinating interpretations of destiny.

That time I told myself that coincidences, perhaps, are very common phenomena. They occur all around us, in our daily life. But we don't even notice half of it, we let it pass like this. Like fireworks that are set off in broad daylight. They make a little noise, but you can't see anything in the sky. But if we strongly desire something, coincidences surface in our field of vision carrying their message. Haruki Murakami

In life, the only way not to be caught unprepared by fate and not to let it slip away is to keep an eye on the coincidences it presents to you. Marcela Serrano

See also

Coincidences: what are they and how can they affect life?

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Life is all about coincidences. José Saramago

Certain coincidences seem to go all out to make us believe in destiny. Anonymous

Fate is a patient hunter. Certain coincidences are written in advance, like snipers crouching with one eye in their sights and one finger on the trigger, waiting for the right moment. Arturo Pérez-Reverte

When we have the intuition or the dream of following a certain path of life and we stick to these indications, certain events appear to be magical coincidences. We feel more alive and excited. The events seem predestined, as if they were already foreseen. From the movie "The Celestine Prophecy"

It is the coincidences that attract me - he has in fact clarified in this regard -. My whole life is marked by strange events. In real stories, like the ones I tell, coincidences just happen. And I record them. I don't believe in the divine plan. (…). I believe that everything is due to Fate: life is a game of mirrors, but in a certain moment, by pure chance, a certain thing happens. Which forces you to make a certain choice. Paul Auster

Men are divided into two large groups: when a stroke of luck happens to them, the former see us more than mere luck, than mere coincidence, they see it as a sign, as proof that there really is someone up there watching over them ; for the latter it is only a coincidence, an auspicious, concurrence of circumstance. Taken from the movie "Signs"

The phrases about coincidences

Coincidences are the scars of fate. Carlos Ruiz Zafon

If I could, I would write a giant encyclopedia on the words "luck" and "coincidence". It is with these words that the Universal Language is written. Paulo Coelho

Coincidences do not exist. Taken from the film "The steps of" love "

There are no coincidences in Jewish history. Elie Wiesel

Coincidences are God's way of making himself anonymous. Albert Einstein

Coincidences, at times, are the mysterious signs of life, which must be believed. Romano Battaglia

Certainly not necessity, but chance is full of magic. If love is to be unforgettable, coincidences must settle on it from the very first moment, like birds on the shoulders of Francis of Assisi. Milan Kundera

Coincidences are the whisper that betrays the link between the possible and the inevitable. Anonymous

Look for someone who makes you feel like your favorite book, the perfect view, the right occasion, the exact word, the miraculous coincidence. Fabrizio Caramagna

The First Enlightenment occurs when we become aware of the coincidences that arise in our life. They make us understand that there is something more, something spiritual that operates behind our every action. Taken from the film "The Celestine Prophecy"

The coincidences remind us that we are much more than what we see and that we must begin to believe in our instincts and in our inner voice. Stephen Littleword

You absolutely have to be ready, because coincidences happen regularly but you have to notice them. Taken from the film "The Celestine Prophecy"

Those who don't believe in coincidences lose them. Alessandro Morandotti

The more one pays attention to coincidences, the more they occur. Vladimir Nabokov

Aphorisms and quotes about destiny

Is it true that coincidences never occur because they are only the result of chance? Or can a person understand something more about his destiny by listening to the signs that fate sends him? Here is what these intellectuals of the past think:

Of certain coincidences of fate.
Seek, meet, feel, understand.
To the point that they don't even seem like coincidences anymore. But choices. Fabrizio Caramagna

I believe that the only sure things in this world are coincidences. Leonardo Sciascia

When coincidences make love, perfection seems almost possible. Anonymous

Coincidences are so rare that it is almost as if the universe was designed solely to prevent them. So when a coincidence or something extraordinary happens in your life, it means that someone or something has worked hard to make it happen, and that is why we must always pay attention to it. Douglas Coupland

The greater the attention we give to coincidences, the greater the frequency with which they appear to us, and therefore the greater our ability to read the messages they transmit to us on the direction to give to our earthly journey. Deepak Chopra

The coincidences are produced where the gears of destiny correspond. Raul Aceves

Coincidence exists, but believing in it has never benefited me. Robert B. Parker

The value of a coincidence is equal to its degree of improbability. Milan Kundera

Superstition is the art of getting in line with coincidences. Jean Cocteau

Reflections on the destiny of man

For centuries, "man has always asked himself the same question:" Can I change my destiny? ". If coincidences exist, it means that things had to go precisely in that way decided by his fate or a person has the power to be what he is. want regardless of fate?

But the truth is a network made up of many intertwined threads, which are coincidences, missed opportunities, the impossibility of recreating them, and the most striking thread, the one that closes the network, is the need not to tell everything, to keep something for itself, to leave meshes of silence. Margherita Oggero

How should I live my life? This question marks the beginning of an infinite journey within oneself. Anonymous

Do you want to change your life? Start from within. Anonymous

You are what you call your life, you are a temporary, random chain of particles. Lev Tolstoy

In the mystery books I recently read, it says that coincidences do not exist. They are wrong. The longer you live, the more you realize that life is all one giant coincidence. Joe Lansdale

Men are divided into two large groups: when a stroke of luck happens to them, the former see us more than mere luck, than mere coincidence, they see it as a sign, as proof that there really is someone up there watching over them. ; for the latter it is only a coincidence, an auspicious, concurrence of circumstance. Mel Gibson

I never believed in coincidences. I am convinced that even when things seem random, there is still a plan. Liam Neeson

Even if we talk a lot about coincidence, we are not really convinced. At the bottom of our hearts we believe that the universe is better, we are secretly convinced that it is not so messy and haphazard, and that everything in it has meaning. Joseph Boynton Priestley

At the bottom of my heart there is faith in my fate. Anonymous

Our life is governed by the images of fate. Anonymous

Fatality triumphs as soon as one believes in it. Simone De Beauvoir

If you share the idea of ​​fate with other people, you will discover that you are not alone. Anonymous

This coincidence can change your life. Taken from the film "The images of freedom"

How must fate be to be good? As much as possible an "image of freedom. Anonymous

There is a thread that binds seemingly inexplicable things, some call it coincidence. Federico Moccia

Everyone creates his lot with what he has inside his soul. Indian proverb

Before making a decision, listen to your heart. Anonymous

In the secret of eternity lies the sense of destiny. Sigmund Freud

Share the fear of the future with other men and you will never be alone. Anonymous

Fate first gives, then takes away. Ennio Flaiano

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