Cucumber: properties and benefits of the detox fruit par excellence

We know, the most famous properties of cucumber are those concerning the detox line and diet, but there are less known properties of cucumber, c "is that it can be used in cosmetics to prepare masks and ointments for the skin. Before that. to go deeper into the matter, we leave you a short video with some effective remedies to eliminate puffiness from the eyes (cucumber is among them!).

Cucumber: properties, calories and nutritional values

Cucumber is one of the least caloric vegetables of all, in fact it only counts 12 calories per 100 grams; moreover it is a food with numerous beneficial properties not only for the skin, but also for the whole organism in general. It belongs to the family of cucurbits (or cocurbits), and is also among the most water-rich vegetables, containing 95% of it.

Cucumbers are characterized by an elongated shape, usually have a dark green skin and a watery and light green pulp with white seeds. If the cucumbers are very small in size, the seeds may not be present.

Cucumbers have the characteristic of being extremely rich in water and for this reason they are refreshing and purifying vegetables. Low in calories and fat-free, they are very useful for appeasing hunger and supplementing liquids, especially when we are following a low-calorie diet. For those who want to keep fit they are a must, to be consumed at any time of the day, as a side dish, snack etc ... usually they are always eaten raw.

See also

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Nutritional properties of cucumber

Cucumber contains important mineral salts such as potassium and phosphorus, vitamin C, folate and vitamin K. But what are all these "ingredients" for? There is also another substance that characterizes cucumbers: tartaric acid. The time has come to find out more.

Cucumber is rich in potassium, a mineral that promotes the elimination of excess fluids by counteracting the much-hated water retention. Furthermore, thanks to the presence of potassium, cucumber is able to lower blood pressure.

Phosphorus is a mineral that builds up bones and teeth, moreover, it plays a fundamental role in the activation of some vitamins, also intervening in cellular repair processes.

C vitamin
Vitamin C is also called ascorbic acid. It is useful for the proper functioning of the immune system, protects us from viruses and bacteria, counteracting infections and the flu. It allows the absorption of iron in the intestine and allows the formation of collagen. It is a powerful antioxidant and therefore fights cellular aging and effectively counteracts the formation of cancer cells.

Folate are provitamins, elements which in our body are converted into vitamin B9 or folic acid, and which intervene in numerous cellular processes essential for brain function.

Vitamin K
This vitamin contained in cucumbers is important for the protection of bones and to effectively combat inflammatory states.

Tartaric acid
As we mentioned earlier, cucumbers contain tartaric acid. It is a fairly common acid in the plant world, which is very important for those who want to lose weight. In fact, this substance prevents a part of carbohydrates ingested in the same meal from being converted into fat, making them eliminated directly with the stool.

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The benefits of cucumbers for health

Among the useful and beneficial properties of cucumber for the human organism, there are some particularly important ones. Before talking about them specifically, we can anticipate that inserting cucumbers in the weekly menu is useful for those who follow a controlled diet. special these vegetables?

  • They counteract hypertension

Being rich in potassium, cucumbers favor the elimination of excess fluids, with a consequent beneficial effect on pressure.

  • They are purifying and diuretic

Cucumber is rich in water so it is an excellent ally to hydrate the body and to counteract water retention, purifying the body and freeing it from toxins and harmful substances.

  • They are draining

Cucumber is a draining vegetable that helps prevent stones thanks to its purifying properties. The water of which they are mostly composed hinders the formation of stones in the bladder or kidneys.

  • They counteract uric acid

Uric acid is a harmful substance that in some cases tends to accumulate in the body also due to a disease called gout which involves inflammation of the joints. Regular consumption of cucumber helps to lower uric acid levels, facilitating the healing process.

  • They help to lose weight

The tartaric acid contained in cucumbers is able to promote weight loss, as it prevents the conversion of part of the carbohydrates into fats.

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  • They counteract free radicals

Cucumber is rich in Vitamin C with a powerful antioxidant and free radical repulsor effect.

  • They lower cholesterol

Regular consumption of this vegetable promotes cardiovascular well-being.

  • They help with diabetes

Eating cucumbers is good for people with diabetes. Cucumber is low in carbohydrates and high in fiber and therefore helps keep blood sugar levels low.

  • They counteract intestinal diseases

Among the less known properties of cucumbers c "is that of counteracting intestinal parasites.

  • Relieve joint pain

Cucumber is also a useful vegetable in case of joint pain, thanks to the presence of silicon.

  • Benefits for the skin

Cucumber is an ally of the skin because it helps hydration and carries out a purifying action in the case of blackheads and acne.

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Properties of cucumber: beauty ideas and recipes to use it

One of the first things to note when buying cucumbers is that they are not bruised or dry or have a dull skin. If you do not like the seeds inside them, choose cucumbers that are not too large. These vegetables should be kept in the refrigerator for a few days. The best way to consume them is raw, without peel.
The classic "recipe" includes a cucumber salad dressed with oil, salt, pepper and vinegar. It is rare, but in some countries the cucumber is also consumed cooked. Then there are pickled cucumbers, which are usually very small in size.

One way to take advantage of cucumbers for breakfast or as a snack is to obtain the juice with an extractor: the best combinations are with apples, cabbage and lemon.

In addition, cucumbers can be used for beauty masks and wraps. For example, to treat swollen eyes, it is recommended to keep two slices of cucumber over the closed eyes for about half an hour, so as to have immediate relief.Among the most effective "grandmother's remedies" in which to exploit the potential of cucumber, there is the compress against acne and blackheads: put the slices of cucumber on your face and leave them on so that they can perform and act with a regulating sebum effect. and purify the skin.

Try soaking the cucumber pulp in milk, you will get a useful lotion against skin blemishes. Rub it on your face with a cotton ball, and you will see that freckles and age spots will be minimized.

To relieve sunburn, you can blend the cucumber until you get a cream to apply to the area and leave for 15 minutes.

Cucumber is also a valid ally for hair: it has properties capable of stimulating the hair bulb and therefore stimulating hair growth. Make a compress with pureed cucumber, carrots, spinach, and lettuce in equal quantities. Apply it on your head and leave it on for a few minutes before shampooing.

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