The most famous phrases taken from the films that have made the history of cinema

Often, the dialogues and narratives of the films are literary masterpieces. Many of these are so extraordinary that they remain etched in the history and memory of those who have watched, over and over again, the films in which they are contained. The blockbusters, in fact, stand out not only for the plot, the actors and the soundtrack, but also for the sentences spoken within them. To make you relive the emotions felt during the screening of the greatest films in the history of cinema, we have gathered some of the most famous for you!

Watch this video and discover 5 films about friendship between women!

Animation films: the most significant sentences of cartoons

Let's not be fooled: cartoons are products designed not only for children, but also for adults. Inside them, in fact, a deeper meaning and important life lessons are hidden. Let's go over some of the quotes from animated films that will remain forever in our hearts!

Mirror mirror of my desires, who is the fairest in the realm?
Taken from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Do not stop dreaming, only those who dream can fly.
Taken from The Adventures of Peter Pan

Your mind is like this water, my friend: when it is shaken it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to calm down, the answer appears clear to you.
Taken from Kung Fu Panda

“Ohana” means family, family means that no one is abandoned or… forgotten.
Taken from Lilo and Stitch

To infinity and beyond!
Taken from Toy Story

See also

Must see movies: the best and unmissable classics

The 14 Best Teen Movies That Changed Our Lives: Film After Pel

Movies for girls: the best titles to watch with friends!

Love is a song that never ends.
Taken from Bambi

When the world turns its back on you, all you have to do is turn your back too.
Taken from The Lion King

She warned him not to be fooled by appearances because true beauty is in the heart.
Taken from The beauty and the Beast

You're crazy, crazy, you've lost your mind ... But I'll tell you a secret: all the best are crazy.
Taken from Alice in Wonderland

Only an act of true love can melt a heart of ice
Taken from Frozen

Phrases from action and adventure movies

Is adrenaline the main ingredient of your life? Then you can't help but be inspired by the most unforgettable phrases from action films and adventure stories!

My name is Bond, James Bond.
Taken from Agent 007-License to Kill

It is the choices we make… that demonstrate who we truly are, far more than our abilities.
Taken from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

If we admit that the human being can be governed by reason, we preclude the possibility of living.
Taken from Into the wild

Many people live following the path chosen by us, because they are too fearful to explore others.
But every now and then people like you come along, overcoming the obstacles we put along the way.
People who understand that free will is a gift you never know how to use until you struggle to get it. This is the president's real plan, and that is that one day we won't be writing the plan, but you.
Taken from The guardians of fate

It can not rain forever.
Taken from The Raven

Put the wax, remove the wax.
Taken from Karate Kid - To Win tomorrow

How it annoys me to always be right.
Taken from Jurassic Park

To do or not to do. There is no trying.
Taken from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Sooner or later you will understand, as I did, that it is one thing to know the right path, another is to take it.
Taken from The Matrix

May the force be with you.
Taken from Star Wars

If you introduce a bit of anarchy ... if you upset the pre-established order ... everything suddenly becomes chaos. I am an agent of chaos. And you know what's the beauty of chaos? It is fair.
Taken from The dark Knight

They can take our life, but they will never take away our freedom.
Taken from Braveheart - Fearless heart

First rule of the Fight Club: never talk about the Fight Club.
Taken from Fight Club

We all have both light and darkness within us. What matters is which side we choose to act on. This is who we are.
Taken from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

At my signal, unleash Hell.
Taken from Gladiator

The most famous quotations from the comedies

If you need to have a good laugh, know that you are in the right place. Well yes, because we went in search of the most hilarious releases of cinematic comedies, let them improve your mood!

Real madness is pretending to be happy, pretending that the way things are going for you is the way they have to go for the rest of your life, all the desires, the hopes, all the joys, the emotions and the passions that life has taken away from you are there in front of you, you can take it all back!
Taken from Mr. Beaver

The important thing is not what you find at the end of a run but what you feel while running.
Taken from Night before exams

I want you to invite "yes" into your life, because "yes", in turn, will answer yes! When you say yes, you enter the sphere of the possible!
Taken from Yes Man

I am not bad. It is that they draw me like this.
Taken from Who framed Roger Rabbit

It could be worse! It could rain!
Taken from Frankenstein Junior

I think that the ideal is when you find an ugly one that you like, and that you want to like a beautiful one, while the ugly one does not like it but you like it! And it doesn't even seem ugly to you because otherwise ... it doesn't you like it! The ideal ideal, however, is when you find an ugly one that you like that he likes you ... because otherwise if the ugly one doesn't like you, you better like a beautiful one if it comes to dislike you!
Taken from Basilicata Coast to Coast

This isn't Vietnam, it's bowling - there are rules.
Taken from The Big Lebowski

Phrases from drama films

Prepare your handkerchiefs because below you will find some of the most moving and heartbreaking phrases ever spoken in the history of cinema!

When you are unable to fight, embrace your enemy. If he has his arms around you, he can't point the gun at you.
Seven years in Tibet

A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets.

Some have a light around them that also illuminates other people. I think maybe some of them were in a tunnel and in that tunnel perhaps the only light they had was inside them. And then, even long after they come out of the tunnel, they continue to shine for everyone else.

Stupid is whoever is stupid.
Forrest Gump

Never let anyone tell you you can't do something. If you have a dream you have to protect it. When people can't do something they tell you that you can't do it. If you want something, go and chase it. Point.
The pursuit of happiness

We don't write and read poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race, and the human race is full of passion. Medicine, law, economics, engineering are noble professions, necessary for our livelihood. But poetry, beauty, romance, love ... these are the things that keep you alive.
The fleeting moment

Two things matter to me in this world: balls and my word, and I've always honored both of them.

Whoever saves a life, saves the whole world.
Schindler's List

I took the chair to remind myself that we must always look at things from different angles. And the world looks different from up here. Haven't I convinced you? Come and see for yourself. Courage! It is precisely when you think you know something that you have to look at it from another perspective.
The fleeting moment

You are just talk and distinctive!
The Untouchables

It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logical reason can be found. I am here thanks to you. You are the reason I exist. You are all my reasons.
A Beautiful Mind

People often call things impossible that they have simply never seen.
Beyond life

I will make him an offer that he will not be able to refuse.
The Godfather

Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.
The Godfather - Part Two

If I can change, and if you can change, then the whole world can change!
Rocky IV

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what happens to you.
Forrest Gump

The most beautiful phrases of romantic movies

For the more sentimental, on the other hand, a list of poignant cinematographic declarations of love to be recycled and inspired by on special occasions!

I think, personally, that the best thing you can do is find someone who loves you exactly for who you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, beautiful, charming and so on. The right person will think you are shitting your ass. That is the person who is worth being with.
Phrase from the movie Juno

You can love many people, but love Ninnè ... love was born like this!
Phrase from the movie Yesterday Today Tomorrow

You erased me from my memory because you thought you were preventing me from having a full and happy life ... but you made a mistake, living with you is the only way to have a full and happy life. You are the girl of my dreams! And apparently I'm the man of yours.
Phrase from the movie 50 first kiss times

The number of breaths you take in life is irrelevant; what matters are the moments that take your breath away.
Phrase from the movie Hitch

I'm just a girl standing in front of a guy and asking him to love her.
Phrase from the movie Notting Hill

Nobody can put Baby in the corner.
Phrase from the movie Dirty Dancing

Do not repent, do not judge yourself, you are what you are but there is nothing better in the world.
Phrase from the movie Three meters above the sky

It is a general opinion that we now live in a world of hatred and greed, but I disagree. For me, love is everywhere.Often it is not particularly noble or noteworthy, but it is there anyway: fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, friends. When the Twin Towers were hit, as far as I know none of the people who were about to die phoned to talk about hatred or revenge, they were all messages of love. I have the strange feeling that - if you are looking for it - love is really everywhere.
Phrase from the movie Love Actually

The greatest thing you can learn is to love and let yourself be loved! Love is like oxygen! Love is a wonderful thing, it lifts us up to heaven! All we need is love!
Phrase from the movie Moulin Rouge

They say that when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and it's true.
Phrase from the movie Big Fish

Sometimes losing your balance out of love is necessary to live a balanced life.
Phrase from the movie Eat, pray, love

Before changing the world, you must understand that you are part of it too: you cannot stay on the sidelines and look inside.
Phrase from the movie The Dreamers

The most beautiful love is the one that awakens the soul and makes us want to reach higher, it is the one that ignites our heart and brings peace to our mind.
Phrase from the movie The pages of our life

Kiss me, kiss me as if it were the last time!
Phrase from the movie Casablanca

It is as if at that moment the entire universe existed only to bring us together.
Phrase from the movie Serendipity

Death would be sweeter if my gaze had your face as its last horizon, and if so ... a thousand times I would like to be born a thousand times to die.
Phrase from the movie Shakespeare in Love

After all, tomorrow is another day.
Sentence from the flm Gone With the Wind

You already convinced me to hello.
Phrase from the movie Jerry MacGuire

I stopped smoking. I will live a week longer and that week it will rain heavily.
Phrase from the movie Manhattan

Loving means never having to say sorry.
Phrase from the movie Love Story

Phrases taken from thriller films

If you are a lover of the thriller genre, you can't help but memorize the following high anxiety quotes. Refrain faint of heart!

It is said that there is so much religion in the world for men to hate each other, but not enough for men to love each other.
From the movie Angel Heart

Someone who took a census once tried to question me. I ate his liver with a nice plate of broad beans and a good Chianti.
From the movie The silence of the Innocents

I never discuss love on an empty stomach.
From the movie International Intrigue

Every minute that passes is an opportunity to completely revolutionize everything.
From the movie Vanilla Sky

People are afraid of what they don't understand.
From the movie Dark Angel

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