4 Yoga positions to improve concentration

Among the many benefits of Yoga, there is also that of helping us to clear our minds, recover serenity and regain concentration. Yoga, in fact, is a discipline that, if practiced consistently, relieves stress and instills a deep sense of well-being and rootedness.

This newfound balance and stability improve our concentration skills which are fundamental for any type of meditation practice. So let's find out together which are the 4 best positions to help our concentration. But first, always remember to do some stretching:

1. Greeting to the sun

To perform the Sun Salutation sequence, stand upright, with your feet together and your hands folded in prayer in front of your chest. Exhale, then inhale while extending your arms upwards. At the same time, bend your torso backwards.

As you exhale, bend forward until your palms rest on the ground, next to your feet. Inhale and extend the left leg back, bending the right knee and lifting the face upwards. Then bring the right foot back, next to the left.

Exhale and place your knees, chest and forehead on the ground, without touching the floor with your belly. Inhale and lift your torso by extending your arms, looking up. At that point, exhale by bringing your toes forward and pushing your buttocks back and your heels and head down.

Breathing in, take your left foot in your hands, keeping your right leg stretched back, with the knee resting on the ground. Exhale and bring the right leg close to the left and the pelvis upwards. Inhale bringing the arms extended forward, then on the head, flexing the torso backwards with the hands together.

Return to a standing position and exhale. Then repeat the sequence starting with the right leg.

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2. Salutation Seal

Performing this position is very simple, but at the same time effective for relaxing and regaining concentration. Just sit cross-legged on the floor, bringing your hands in front of your chest in a prayer position.

At this point, try to clear your mind by focusing on your breathing. Be careful to always keep the spine straight.

3. Position of the warrior 3

To perform Warrior Number 3 Stance, begin by bending forward on the mat. Walk with your hands on the ground at shoulder height. Keeping your knees spring, place all your weight on your left knee and lift your right leg, keeping it straight up and back.

At that point, push on the right heel and rotate the right thigh in such a way as to point the toes towards the ground. Raise your arms and bring them forward, until you frame your face. Breathe deeply while maintaining the position, then repeat with your weight resting on your right knee.

4. Position of the tree

To realize the Tree Pose, begin by bending the right knee and then grabbing it with both hands. Find your balance on one foot and, at that point, grab the right foot and place it slowly on the left thigh, with the fingers. towards the ground.

Join your hands in a prayer position in front of your chest and breathe while holding the position for at least thirty seconds. Then raise your hands above your head.

And here are other Yoga positions for you:

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