Exercises with rubber bands: the most effective to perform at home too

Even for the most loyal to the world of the gym, sometimes training at home is almost a "need. In this last period more than ever, due to the health emergency, we found ourselves at home much longer and many have decided to approach the world of fitness, using a few simple tools. Among these, very effective are the rubber bands, practical and usable everywhere. It doesn't take much then: carve out a space, be it the balcony, a small garden or your room, and start moving!

Fitness bands: what are they?

Let's start with the basics: fitness bands are also known as elastic bands and it is a latex band (natural or synthetic material) whose thickness is variable. The elastic bands, as already mentioned, are practical and easy to use for both beginners and professionals, so much so that they also use this type of elastic for rehabilitation from injuries.
Elastics, therefore, are cheap and easily available fitness tools, online or in specialized stores. It is possible to buy sets of elastics of any resistance, to be chosen according to the need and purpose of each one. The elastic band, in fact, is available in various sets for those who want to tone legs and buttocks, improve balance, increase muscle mass. or, as mentioned, to rehabilitate after an operation or an accident. One of the many positive sides of the elastics is their comfort even in transport: they are very light and can be used in any place, from the gym to the comfort of the "home fitness.

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Generally, the color of the elastics is not only an aesthetic fact, but it is a reference for the degree of resistance of the band. The clear elastic band (pink or yellow) has low resistance, therefore suitable for beginners, for those who are doing physiotherapy and for those of a certain age. When it has full green, blue or orange colors it has medium resistance and is therefore suitable for those who are already familiar with fitness exercises and sport, as it requires more effort. Finally, the purple, red or black bands are those with the greatest resistance, recommended for the more experienced, those who have a defined method and, as professionals, want to intensify the exercises.

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The exercises with elastic bands are applicable in crossfit, in workouts to strengthen the muscles, but also on more occasions soft such as rehabilitation, pilates, yoga and, of course, for home exercises.
Once you have chosen the best elastic band for your goal, you will only need a few other tools: first of all, a fitness mat to train easily in the comfort of your home.

Exercises with bands: legs

Among the best and most effective exercises to strengthen the leg muscles there are always squats first and foremost. This exercise, which is also excellent for the glutes, quads, thighs and hips, can be intensified with the elastic band. Squats are also great for improving balance and have the great advantage of being able to be performed anywhere because they require very little space. Stand with your legs slightly apart, aligned with your shoulders. then bend over. Perform the squat with the torso slightly inclined forward and the abdominals stiff to avoid hurting your back. It is essential to contract the buttocks, the resistance of the elastic will be the force you have to overcome. Go up and down, start with a sequence of 10 and progressively increase.

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Exercises with bands: chest and arms

These exercises are appreciated by both women and men to increase volume in the bust and counteract flabby biceps as we age.
A first exercise, to be performed with an elastic band of medium-low resistance tendentially, is that of the lateral raises, useful for strengthening pectorals, arms and abdominals. These are simple exercises to perform: keep upright and place the elastic flat under your foot; hold the elastic with your arms stretched out in front of your body, hold your abs and begin bending your arms down. We recommend repeating the sequence 10 or 15 times.
Alternatively, another much-loved exercise is to strengthen the biceps. This is also done standing up, grabbing the end of the elastic and lifting your arms upwards: keep them straight with your elbows slightly bent and your legs at pelvis level. Lower your arm by bending your elbow outward, keeping the other one up, then bring it back up. Again, remember to hold your abs and push your pelvis so you don't hurt your back. Repeat the sequence 10 or 15 times.

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Exercises with elastic bands: inner thigh

Appreciated above all by women, these exercises see in the elastic bands an extremely effective ally. A first workout is that of hip adduction to strengthen thighs and buttocks, it is advisable to use a circular elastic of medium-low resistance. Position the elastic at the height of the ankle or alternatively below the knee, standing with retroverted pelvis and abdominals contracted, open one leg to the side and contract the buttock. Keep your arms tense and join your hands at chest height or lean against the wall. Raise your leg to the side resting your weight on the other, then return to position. Perform 3 sequences of 8 movements for each leg.
Extremely effective is the hip adduction while lying down, exceptional for a workout aimed at toning the quadriceps, abdominals and inner thighs. Lie on your side, resting on one elbow, legs extended and hammer foot, place the elastic band under the knee, between the legs. Lift your leg up, then to the ground, keep your back straight and contract your abs. Repeat the sequence 10 times in 3 sets.

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Exercises with bands: abdominals

The sculpted abs are a dream for everyone and, even in this case, the elastic bands are precious allies. Exceptional for abdominals but also for the buttocks is the buttocks bridge, to be performed with a circular elastic. Position yourself on the ground with your legs bent and feet shoulder-width apart, the elastic above your knees. Raise your hips until you get a bridge, aligning your knees, thighs and pelvis. Don't forget to squeeze your glutes and abs for perfect effect. When in suspension, spread your knees by forcing the resistance of the band, stay in place for 10 seconds, then close your knees for 5. Repeat the sequence 10 times in 3 sets.
Another useful ab workout is the leg raises and sit ups, which are useful for strengthening high and low abdominals. Lie with the elastic under your feet, grab the two ends with your hands, lift your legs by bending 90 degrees. Use the resistance of the elastic to raise your back, then lower your legs to the ground. Again repeat the sequence 10 times with 3 series.
Infallible in the case of abdominals but not only is the plank: this workout is extremely effective for keeping fit and improving balance and can be performed in different ways. Basically, the plank requires the arms extended with the elastic band on the upper part of the body. back, crossed on the front and held on the ground by the hands. With the execution and the improvement that follows, you will be able to move the band even in the lower part of the back. If you are a beginner start with 30 seconds, then increase to 1 minute and so on.

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The benefits of using the elastic band they are diverse and multiple. First of all, it allows you to adapt workouts to any age and physical preparation, as well as progressive and constant muscle strengthening. As well as the band it is useful in rehabilitation after an injury, it is also excellent for stretching, anywhere and in comfort, and moreover economic.

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