What to eat in the summer? 7 superfoods that will cool you down and lose weight!

When the sweat traps your thoughts, we will come to the rescue with the list of summer superfoods and suggestions on what to eat in the summer.
Superfoods are foods with a nutrient content far above the average of common foods, such as vitamins, fiber, minerals and antioxidants. For this, they help us to regain strength and, at the same time, to lose weight. Losing weight by eating is possible: and with superfoods it is also very simple!

Summer superfoods: cherries

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The red color of cherries comes from a particular type of antioxidant: the darker the cherry, therefore, the more antioxidant properties it will contain. Recent studies have confirmed that cherries are among the most effective summer superfoods, especially for those who train: in fact, they help in muscle recovery after an effort. In addition, the antioxidant power also helps fight water retention and cellulite. Finally, among the red fruits, cherries contain greater quantities of beta-carotene, thus favoring a "perfect tan.

What to eat in summer: avocado

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Avocados are real nutritional treasures. Rich in monounsaturated fats, excellent for heart health, they combine taste and health: even if fat, therefore, avocados are often included in effective diets.
Avocado is also considered a superfood because it is rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant and detoxifier, vitamin D, an excellent defense for the bones, and carotenoids, which help keep the eyes healthy.

Also help yourself with a do-it-yourself anti-cellulite massage: here is the video to perform it correctly!

In addition to choosing the right foods, to counter swelling and water retention you can dedicate yourself to DIY anti-cellulite massages, easy to perform and effective if practiced consistently. Here is the video that shows you specifically how to perform a perfect DIY anti-cellulite massage!


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Sweet and soft: papaya is one of our all time favorite summer superfoods! In addition to being good to eat, it is also good for our body. It is, in fact, mainly composed of water and carbohydrates: this means that it provides energy, while remaining light. In addition, it contains almost infinite supplies of vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, folic acid and magnesium: therefore, it helps to maintain a high level of concentration and a low level of flab! If you are not sure how to prepare it, check out this article that explains how to eat papaya.


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Among the choices of what to eat in the summer, peaches are a great option because they contain an acid similar to citric acid that eliminates toxins and facilitates both digestion and circulation. Consuming peaches regularly also means enjoying their diuretic qualities that help to make the stomach flat. Excellent for cooking tasty and light desserts, you can also combine them with salads for a delicious dish.

What to eat in summer: melon

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Among the detoxifying foods there is melon, a fruit of infinite qualities. Slightly laxative, melon is suitable for those suffering from anemia and for those who want to recover some strength, because it is rich in iron. In addition, it contains numerous vitamins, such as vitamin A and vitamin C, which help to counteract cellular aging and strengthen bones and teeth. The presence of calcium, phosphorus and potassium also makes it a particularly suitable fruit to fight the heat. : a slice is enough to deflate the belly and feel lighter.

The watermelon

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Watermelon is made up of 92% water: for this reason, it is one of the foods that give the most satiety. In addition to having a delicious and refreshing taste, it is also rich in nutrients that are able to protect the skin from excessive exposure to UV rays and reduce the levels of bad cholesterol. A healthy touch for health is also the presence of citrulin, a substance which makes watermelon suitable for preventing hypertension.

The cucumbers

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Excellent for making slimming juices, cucumber is a food that accelerates metabolism because it contains tartaric acid which prevents carbohydrates from turning into fat. That's why dieticians include cucumbers in every diet: try eating it together with wholemeal bread to fully enjoy its effectiveness. In addition, it has very few calories and is also a good diuretic.

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