Fighting the winter blues

When the light decreases

With the arrival of autumn, about one in ten people (and 75% are women) suffers from a seasonal affective disorder, commonly called winter melancholy or seasonal depression (SAD). Several studies show that the trigger of these disorders would be the considerable lack of natural light for the body. In fact, during the winter the hours of light and sunny moments decrease a lot. The result is that the brain produces much more melatonin, the so-called "sleeping hormone", which makes us sleepy, irritable and upsets our internal biological balance.

The tricks to fight against grayness

See also

How to fight shyness?

Thought of the evening phrases: between melancholy, inspiration, rebirth and reflection

Body shaming: why it is important to combat this toxic behavior

There are many simple but effective methods to be energetic even during the winter:

Fill up with light

Also known as phototherapy, light therapy consists of exposing yourself every day, for 30 minutes - one hour, to a lamp specially designed to offer maximum light. You can do these sessions at some doctor's offices, at the hospital, get a portable lamp to use at home, or opt for light therapy glasses, which allow you to receive the right amount of light while doing other things at the same time. Another interesting solution: the sunrise simulator. This lamp-riveglio synchronizes the body to the rhythm of the succession of day and night, allowing you to fall asleep and wake up with a light similar to that of sunset or sunrise.

Rebalance with plants

If you feel exhausted, taking St. John's wort capsules can help. The therapeutic virtues of this plant are recognized to fight certain depressive states (at least as effective as certain chemical antidepressants).

Don't be lazy

It is absolutely forbidden to spend the lunch break in the office, gulping down sandwiches or sweets in front of the computer. Take advantage of the few sunny moments to walk in the park, with your man or your colleagues, or to window shop. There is nothing better than a little movement to chase away bad thoughts ...

Put out into the deep

If your wallet allows it, book a trip to a hot country. Sun, sand, coconuts ... take advantage of this escape to forget the depressing cold of winter and get back into shape. Choose to leave during the Christmas holidays or winter bridges, for example!

Pamper yourself a little

Think about your well-being, in winter more than ever. Organize a Zen and comfortable environment, made even more pleasant by a series of treatments. Moisturizing masks, manicures, relaxing baths with essential oils or regenerating massages in a beauty institute. In a nutshell: pampered!

Sleep to recover

In addition to the afternoon nap (which should never exceed 20 minutes, though) make sure you sleep well. So avoid good nights and restless awakenings. Try to go to bed early and wake up at the same time all the time so that you don't upset your circadian rhythms.

Give yourself outings

Cinema or candlelit dinner with your man, shopping with friends, a show at the theater: the goal remains to take care of your mood, to regain harmony with the world and not be alone with your melancholy. Even if it may seem difficult at first, you'll get a taste for the rest! To be done at least once a week.

Get into sport

Jogging, swimming pool, exercise bike, or a salsa, step or stretching course ... it doesn't matter what activity you choose to practice, as long as it allows you to release endorphins, ideal for relieving tension, treating pain and getting a pleasant euphoric feeling .

Take care of your image

What if you take advantage of winter to change your look? Hairstyle, make-up, wardrobe, trendy accessories… dare with colors! Follow the advice of a lookmaker or your friends: a change of look will give you a goal to achieve, will lift your spirits and allow you to experience winter in a different way.

Increase the intake of vitamins

You poke continuously and you feel weighted down. Take advantage of the winter to eat lighter: abound with hot soups, minestrone, grilled fish. If you feel like it, for a couple of days, opt for a detox diet. Eat the right fruit and vegetables, and drink herbal teas at will to purify the body and mind. You can also take a vitamin cure by taking food supplements that allow you to strengthen your immune defenses.

Think about others

Volunteer for a humanitarian association: it is ideal for relativizing your small daily worries and feeling socially useful.

Consult your doctor

Your GP can help you in case of need. He can advise you on how to relieve daily annoyances and, by listening carefully, can also help cheer you up.

Tags:  Old-Luxury Fashion Love-E-Psychology