Newborn nasal washes: an aid to breathing well

Parents are always worried that their child may not breathe well especially due to the mucus that often obstructs the respiratory tract. It is very difficult for a small child to be able to blow his nose, so here is a valid remedy: nasal washes. But how are they done? Are they dangerous for the baby's nose? We have all the answers. But first, we leave you a video with the rules of hygiene for the little ones!

Nasal washes for the newborn: why are they useful?

The nasal washes of the newborn are a daily cleansing treatment of the nasal mucosa and help to free the respiratory tract from mucus, pathogens and other substances present in the air we breathe. The main feature that makes them an excellent natural remedy, is that they succeed from the very first application to free your baby's nose and make him breathe again.In fact, by keeping his nose free of impurities, the baby will not only breathe better, but will eat with pleasure and will also be able to sleep peacefully.

When the mucus stagnates or is abundant it creates a really unpleasant stuffy nose sensation, which if it already is for adults, let alone for children. Nasal washes for newborns are designed to eliminate excess mucus in case of cold, but more generally, they also serve to protect the child from flu viruses.

If you are wondering how to do nasal washes on newborns, in this article we will give you the tips to avoid making a mistake. Remember that you can always talk to the pediatrician.

See also

Stuffed nose in children: the remedies to get back to breathing

Baby bouncer: which one is the best?

The growth of the newborn

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The ideal saline solution for nasal washings on newborns

The question arises: which saline solution should I use to do the nasal washes to the newborn? There is no precise answer, we can say that it depends on some factors. The main saline solutions are divided into:

  • isotonic

Characterized by a concentration of salts similar to that of nasal cells. It is mainly indicated for daily cleansing: even twice a day, even without suction.
In fact, the isotonic saline solution favors the elimination of the mucus produced by the nose and also of all those impurities that end up in the nasal cavity when we breathe.
This type of solution is also suitable for children who produce a lot of mucus without being cold (you can distinguish it because it is clear and transparent).

  • hypertonic

In this case, the concentration of salts is higher than the isotonic solution, so in addition to promoting the elimination of excess mucus, there is also a decongestant effect which makes it useful in the presence of a stuffy nose or cold.
In a cold child, the mucus is usually yellowish or greenish in color and is very thick. In all these cases it is better to consult the pediatrician who will suggest the frequency of nasal washes.
In some cases they will be repeated several times a day, and, if necessary, you can help yourself with a suction tool to facilitate better cleaning of the nose.

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Nasal washes for the newborn: how to do them in 6 steps

  1. Lay your baby on his stomach, on the cot or changing table.
  2. Keep your head tilted to one side gently: place your hand on his forehead and keep his head still.
  3. Place the spout of the syringe, the single-dose vial or the nebulizer spray at the entrance of the upper nostril towards the ear on the same side. In this way you will favor the correct flow of the saline solution, preventing the liquid from going into the throat.
  4. Introduce the saline solution slowly and continuously. The liquid will flow out from the other nostril, carrying out a complete cleansing of the nose.
  5. After finishing with the first nostril, tilt your head to the opposite side and proceed with the other. Passing from one nostril to the other, the solution will remove all the impurities present in your child's nose.
  6. Finally, just dab with a handkerchief to dry the excess.

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Practical advice on nasal washes for the newborn

Just do a little practice and the baby's nasal washing will become a breeze! We assure you that it is easier to perform than to explain, just try your hand to become an expert right away.
We have collected some other advice for you on the subject of nasal washes, especially since this treatment is often perceived by the child as torture and is not particularly loved. We therefore want to help you not only to do it right, but also to transform it as much as possible into a peaceful moment for your child.

  • Slightly heat the physiological solution before using it for washing the nose: this will avoid, especially in winter, it being too cold in contact with the baby's nose. Just put the container for a few moments under the jet of hot water, to allow the liquid to warm up slightly.
  • Pay attention to the walls of the nose: they are particularly sensitive and it takes very little to break the delicate capillaries of a newborn. Insert the nozzle of the syringe or single doses carefully and for a maximum of 3-5 mm, never go too deep.

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  • It calibrates the flow of the physiological solution well so as not to make washing particularly annoying and, at the same time, to protect the capillaries of the nose.
  • Never tilt the baby's head backwards: this will reduce the risk of letting the liquid go down the throat (the baby may even swallow it: be careful!).
  • If you notice that something is not working and the washing is not particularly effective, repeat it: it is very easy to make a mistake in the execution, especially if these are the first times you have tried nasal washes of the newborn. Repeating the procedure will not be a problem!
  • Try to soothe your little one: caress and pamper him for a while before performing the nasal wash.
  • Music is a useful calming: if the child is particularly restless, try playing some calming background music.
  • Use a sheet or a blanket to wrap the baby: in this way you will avoid sudden jerks that could cause the nasal wash procedure to go wrong (very suitable for particularly restless children!)
  • Try to be decisive: hesitation will favor the likelihood of error. A little delicacy and sweetness will be enough, but associated with a firm hand to perform at best the various steps necessary for the nasal washing of the newborn.

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