Twin pregnancy: symptoms and risks of a particular wait

Twin pregnancy is one in which a mother is expecting two or more than two babies. In the event that the mother is expecting more than two twins, we speak more precisely of multiple pregnancy. But when do you see if a mother is expecting twins? Quite early, already with the first ultrasound, at the eighth week of gestation. Twin pregnancies, even if they bring unexpected joy and a great surprise, must be monitored well by specialists, because they present various risks.

The risks of a twin pregnancy

A twin pregnancy presents several risks. Many of these are related to the time of childbirth. With twins, in fact, the possibility of having a premature birth increases, because the uterus does not have enough space to accommodate and make two or more twins grow. Often then, the twins assume different positions, and the probability is very high. of a breech birth. If more than one fetus presents breech, that is with the buttocks appearing first upon exiting the birth canal, it is highly probable that the mother must undergo a cesarean delivery. In the video below, gynecologist Maria Maddalena Ferrari explains well what are the main risks of a twin pregnancy.

See also

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Gestational Diabetes: Symptoms, Risks, and Diet to Follow

Twin birth: natural or caesarean? All you need to know

The different types of twin pregnancy

How does a twin pregnancy develop? Why does it occur? First of all, twins are distinguished into monozygotes and dizygotes, depending on whether they are generated from the same egg (and therefore from the same sperm) or from two different eggs, fertilized by two different spermatozoa. Monozygotic twins share the same DNA, have the same genetic makeup and the same sex, and are in fact called identical twins.The dizygotic twins, on the other hand, have different genetic characteristics. Twin pregnancies

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Bicoronic and monochorionic pregnancy: what are the differences?

Differences between twin pregnancies also occur in the amniotic sac. Twins develop by cell divisions of fertilized eggs, which, depending on the time of development, will give rise to two-chorionic or monochorionic pregnancies. What does it mean? If the fertilized cell (zygote) divides very early, you will have a bicorial biamniotic pregnancy, which involves an amniotic sac and a separate placenta for each. If the separation of the zygote occurs after a few days, you will have a monochorionic biamniotic pregnancy (i.e. separate amniotic sacs but common placenta). If a few more days pass before the division, both the amniotic sac and the placenta will be in common for the twins, resulting in a monochorionic monoamniotic pregnancy. In the case of dizygotic twins, on the other hand, the separation c "is already at the start, being two different eggs fertilized by two different spermatozoa. In this case each twin will have its own gestational chamber and its separate placenta.

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Twin pregnancy: symptoms and consequences for mother and baby

Twin pregnancy presents particular symptoms and difficulties for both mothers and babies. For twins, there are two main types of difficulty:

  • if the placenta is shared by babies, one of the two may receive more blood than the other
  • babies may develop less, and run the risk of being born premature.

For the mother, twin pregnancy and the subsequent births present various symptomatic difficulties:

  • twin birth is more tiring and risky
  • l "stretch marks, shortness of breath ...
  • arterial hypertension is more common
  • risk exposure is higher

The precautions for dealing with a twin pregnancy

When they are expecting twins, rest is essential. You have to lie down often, rest, get help with housework, without hesitating to ask for help from loved ones. Early motherhood must be accepted if the doctor recommends it. Gynecological visits are more frequent: every 15 days starting from the sixth month, if the pregnancy proceeds normally, even earlier if there is any problem or concern. Strictly submit to prescribed medical tests, especially urinalysis, due to the risk of increased albumin levels. The doctor will perhaps give a specific diet, to avoid excessive weight gain, which would harm both the babies and the mother. This diet is also to be followed carefully.

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Ultrasound scans during a twin pregnancy

In case of homozygous pregnancy (twins formed from the same egg), there will have to be an "ultrasound scan every 15 days starting from the 16th week. When it comes to heterozygous twins, the first ultrasound occurs at 12 weeks, the second at 18, accompanied from a cervical ultrasound, then, if all goes well, the following ultrasounds will need to be done once a month.

The time of delivery

The twin birth almost certainly occurs before the expected date: it is even probable that the doctor proposes to induce the birth at about the thirty-ninth week. This is to ensure the best possible conditions for mothers and children. It is important to choose well where to give birth, finding a place that has a surgical department in case you have to resort to a cesarean, and an intensive care service. It is more important than ever to take a preparatory course. A precious help, especially between an ultrasound and another, is to be checked by a midwife at home from time to time, to follow the progress of the gestation.

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