Crustaceans in pregnancy: do they pose risks to the fetus?

As we all know, many foods during pregnancy must be excluded from the diet and in any case greater attention must be paid to what we eat. The topic of crustaceans in pregnancy is at the center of the discussion and to avoid any kind of problem for the future mother and for the baby, it would be good to pay attention by focusing on the reasons why it is better to exclude them during the 9 months before childbirth And other foods? You can find them in the video below.

What is meant by crustaceans?

Defining the food is the first step in order not to confuse it with other foods which, on the other hand, could very well be included in the diet. In fact, crustaceans must be distinguished from molluscs and other fish, but often there is a lot of confusion on the subject. Crustaceans are all those animals that have a shell and are also equipped with antennae: shrimps, prawns, lobsters, prawns, crabs, prawns and lobsters. On their side they have interesting nutritional characteristics, just think that they are a good source of proteins and minerals, with a reduced fat content and a high digestibility. With these premises it would seem to be everything under control, but what is the risk for those who are pregnant?

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Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy: symptoms and causes of infection and how to prevent re

Growth of the fetus: the development of the baby month by month

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Can I eat shellfish when pregnant?

During gestation and during the lactation period, the consumption of raw crustaceans must be absolutely excluded, but if cooked at an adequate temperature they should not involve any risks. In any case, crustaceans in pregnancy are always at the center of heated debates: regardless of pregnancy, shellfish and raw fish must be consumed, paying close attention to their origin, because if the fish is not very fresh and controlled, it could cause even serious food poisoning. Even more so in pregnancy eating raw shellfish is absolutely not recommended: the risk is to contract harmful and annoying diseases not only for the mother, but also for the fetus.

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Risks associated with crustaceans in pregnancy

The main risk of eating raw or undercooked shellfish during pregnancy is that of coming into contact with the hepatitis A virus, a disease that affects the liver. We must specify that molluscs with shells such as mussels, oysters, clams or cockles, feed by filtering the sea water inside the shell. A very polluted environment is therefore created and it is easy for them to come into contact with organic materials containing the hepatitis A virus, keeping it inside and transmitting it to those who eat them.

Gastroenteritis is also very easy to get when eating this type of food. In this case, the virus causes symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and fever. During pregnancy, the woman is also prone to contract the listeriosis, a very insidious disease, serious consequences for the fetus: it can lead to miscarriage or be born with respiratory problems or meningitis. Listeria or listeriosis can be caught if unpasteurized foods such as milk or the resulting cheeses are ingested. : the risks of stracchino in pregnancy

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Even toxoplasmosis is a "harmful infection for the unborn child that can be transmitted through the consumption of raw or undercooked foods, such as meat or salumu, but also crustaceans and seafood.

Another potential risk associated with the consumption of crustaceans during pregnancy concerns salmonella. Bacteria are responsible for salmonellosis and can be found in raw seafood. Through the palcenta this infection reaches the fetus causing even serious damage. If you are a lover of raw fish, know that the only species of mollusc that you can eat in peace is the sea urchin that lives only in unpolluted waters.

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What if crustaceans and molluscs are cooked?

Now let's try to understand if the issue of crustaceans in pregnancy changes when they are eaten cooked or are in any case risky. First let's distinguish between crustaceans and molluscs and see how to behave.

  • Crustaceans

Sea fish and crustaceans are among the most iodine-rich foods of all. But what does iodine enter now? In fact, iodine is a very useful substance for regulating the production of hormones by the thyroid, which in turn regulate the metabolic processes useful in the early stages of growth and in the development of different organs, in particular of the baby's brain So pregnant crustaceans, if cooked well and controlled, can be eaten and are also good.
Let's give some practical examples: shrimp pizza can be eaten during pregnancy, as long as the shrimp are cooked, otherwise not. On the other hand, in the case of fried fish during pregnancy, it should be avoided as fried foods are bad for both mother and baby, but can be consumed occasionally in very small portions, to take a whim and satisfy pregnancy cravings.

  • Molluscs

Molluscs have against them the problem of being highly allergenic. During the 9 months of gestation it would be better to avoid them completely and postpone consumption until after giving birth. But in reality, even during breastfeeding they could be dangerous, not so much for the mother, as for the baby, to whom they could cause even serious allergies, in view of the fact that his digestive system is not yet fully developed.

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Other types of fish

If, on the other hand, we refer to other types of fish such as cuttlefish, squid and octopus, after an "adequate cooking, they can be safely enjoyed even during pregnancy and bring significant benefits, since they are a source of calcium.
Tuna, swordfish and mackerel, although not risky for hepatitis A, should be consumed rarely and in small quantities because they are fish rich in mercury and are not beneficial to the body.
In any case, the advice we give you, when you discover that you are pregnant, is to ask your doctor, gynecologist or nutritionist, for a meal plan suited to your needs. The guidelines we've given you so far are general and may not be suitable for all moms-to-be. Common sense has it that, especially in the 9 months of pregnancy, the consumption of foods whose origin is unknown or of which you are not sure, should be avoided.

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Mussels and clams: a separate chapter

Mussels and clams are among the most popular molluscs in Italian cuisine. Protagonists of a thousand dishes including the beloved pasta with mussels and clams sauce. But are they bad during pregnancy? The risk is mainly linked to toxins and bacteria that tend to accumulate in their shells and can be allergenic to mother and child, but if properly cleaned, washed and cooked, there should be no problems of any kind.It is always better to consume small quantities and sporadically, even better if you choose frozen mussels and clams which have then been chilled through the cold and are less risky than fresh ones.

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