What to eat during the premenstrual phase to feel good about yourself

Who has never felt very tired, fatigued, or in a bad mood during the premenstrual phase? These are completely normal symptoms in the period preceding the arrival of the period: about 80% of women claim to suffer from them!

From 10 to 5 days before the menstrual flow it is physiological to feel discomfort such as mood swings, breast tenderness, swelling, irritability, fatigue. With some precautions in your daily lifestyle, however, it is possible to alleviate them, making the premenstrual phase less boring. .

Reducing the consumption of alcohol and caffeine, drinking at least two liters of water a day, taking care of your diet and carrying out regular physical activity are essential measures to feel good about yourself, especially at this time of the month. A correct diet, which guarantees the intake of substances such as vitamins and minerals, is very important to help reduce the symptoms of the premenstrual phase.

Of course, what happens in those days is not the same for everyone, it varies from one woman to another, and the causes can be different, from hormonal changes that affect mood, to the lack of nutrients such as vitamin B6 and magnesium, which cause water retention, swelling, fatigue. Here is a guide to the basic foods to consume in the premenstrual phase to feel good about yourself!

1. Eat foods rich in calcium!

Calcium is an indispensable mineral for our body, we can find it in various foods but also in mineral waters. Taking calcium is important in the premenstrual phase: this mineral contributes to normal blood clotting, muscle function and that of digestive enzymes. It also promotes energy metabolism, intervenes in the process of cell division and specialization and is necessary for the maintenance of normal teeth and bones.

If you believe that calcium is only found in milk, you are wrong! Of course, milk and derivatives, such as yogurt and cheese, have a very high percentage of calcium, but you can also find this mineral in green leafy vegetables (such as broccoli, cabbage and spinach), fish (anchovies and salmon in particular!), Seeds of sesame and flax, beans and lentils, almonds, soy, rhubarb, quinoa and dried figs (eight dried figs contain the equivalent of a glass of milk!).

See also

Vitamin B6: what is it for? All the benefits (even on the premenstrual phase)!

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Losing weight during menopause: 10 foolproof tips

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2. Fill up on Vitamin B6!

Vitamin B6 also plays an important role in the premenstrual phase because it regulates hormonal activity, contributing to normal psychological function, as well as reducing tiredness and fatigue, promoting the metabolism of proteins, glycogen and homocysteine. This vitamin also contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and the immune system.

Where to find the precious vitamin B6? In whole grains and flours, lentils, dried fruit, peppers, broccoli, green beans and spinach, potatoes, avocado, bananas, salmon and shellfish, eggs, sunflower seeds.

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3. Get a lot of magnesium!

Magnesium is a real panacea during the phase preceding the arrival of the menstrual flow: it contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, to normal energy metabolism, to muscle function, to the normal functioning of the nervous system, to protein synthesis. , to the health of bones and teeth.

This mineral is present in various foods such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, legumes, whole grains, bitter chocolate, mushrooms and bananas.

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4. Eat foods that contain vitamin E!

Vitamin E is also a must during these days of the month: it contributes, in fact, to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. It is a vitamin present mainly in seeds and natural oils: corn, peanut, sunflower, extra virgin olive oil, cod liver, coconut oil. But be careful: the vitamin content of these foods is reduced at high temperatures, which is why it is preferable to consume them raw and keep them away from heat sources.

Other foods that contain vitamin E are whole grains, nuts, olives, avocado, eel, fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy ones.

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5. Choose the right supplement!

Unfortunately, following a correct diet is often not enough. In these cases it can be helpful to use a supplement, but be careful to choose the right one! The new Buscofen Premenstrual Food Supplement, based on vitamin B6, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium, to be taken during the previous 10 days when the cycle arrives, it can be a valuable ally.

In fact, it contains the nutrients useful in this period of the month: magnesium contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, calcium to normal blood clotting, vitamin E to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Finally, vitamin B6 helps regulate hormonal activity.

Buscofen Premenstrual food supplement is designed to help women overcome tiredness and bad mood. Just take one effervescent tablet a day at any time of the day, to be dissolved in a large glass of water (250ml) during the 10 days prior to menstrual flow. Obviously together with a lifestyle and a healthy diet!

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In collaboration with Buscofen Premenstrual Food Supplement

Tags:  Lifestyle Star Kitchen