How to forget a love: 8 steps to start over

There are various reasons why a relationship cannot continue. It can be an unrequited love, an impossible one due to character incompatibility or future plans, or a love that has come to an end, perhaps after several months or years of history. All these situations, however, are united by a single element: suffering. Ending a love relationship is difficult, poignant and painful on a mental level. However, in order to get on with your life, you need to forget that love that has made us suffer so much.

For this we suggest the 8 steps to follow to leave your finished love behind and start being happy again. In the first moments, despondency will take over, but don't try to repress your emotions. Let it go and let it go: you can't close with the past if you don't face it first.

1. Release your pain

In any circumstance in life, to stop suffering you have to face that pain and, if you want to forget your impossible or finished love, you should do the same. At least with your dearest and most trusted people or in the privacy of your home, do not pretend that everything is fine, but externalize your suffering. Cry, release tears and emotions: do not feel guilty for being sad and because you are suffering.

This first phase will seem the most difficult as you will realize that your ex partner has left your life. To deal with it, give yourself some "cuddles". Say yes to your favorite foods and those that are good for the mood, especially the dark chocolate. Take some time for yourself, to listen to the music you like best and follow one more beauty routine than usual. Being alone for a while will help you better analyze your entire relationship now over and come to terms with its ending.

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2. Put the memories aside

It is often said that to forget an ex, a person you loved, it is essential to delete him from your life. In reality, doing so will also eliminate the happy memories and positive experiences that have been lived with him. A love story inevitably has peaceful and happy moments and helps both partners to grow. To completely forget it means going to destroy everything and, once the initial pain has passed, you might regret it. For this reason, our advice on the "second phase" in the road to a new happiness is to dismiss the memory of that love only for the moment.

By memories we mean both all those objects and small material traces that each of us keeps when he is in love and the "image of the ex partner", which can suddenly appear in front of our eyes if we check his profile on social networks assiduously. case the solution is simple: prepare a box and put inside everything you find as a memento of your love, from photos to tickets to a concert you went to together. Store everything in a piece of furniture that you don't open often and keep it. It happens often that after the first period of extreme suffering they look at those objects perhaps with a hint of melancholy, but also with a smile.

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Removing the memory of a love will be almost impossible if you do not cut any relationship at least at the beginning. Do not look for your ex-partner on social media and do not constantly check what he writes or does, even on friends' profiles. Likewise, avoid any place. in which you are sure you can find him and do not ask about him if you have friends in common.This situation does not have to last forever, but until the memory of him stops hurting you and you are sure that you have moved on with your life.

3. Indulge in your favorite hobbies

With the termination of a relationship you find yourself with much more time available which can sometimes play to our disadvantage. Therefore, there is no better opportunity than to devote yourself more diligently to your favorite recreational activities. Playing an instrument, painting, dancing, reading: what do you love to do in your free time? Choose your hobby and you will see that it will play a fundamental role. , will be able to distract you and make you forget even for a few hours your unrequited or finished love. Also, doing something you love helps to strengthen your self-esteem and significantly improves your mood.

4. Play sports

Along with hobbies, sport is also an excellent ally against pain and suffering due to the end of a story. Sports disciplines can normally be divided into two categories. There are the more "physical" ones, such as running, swimming, boxing or muscle training sessions in the gym, which especially help to vent anger and frustration, feelings that are never lacking after a breakup. These sports are ideal for increasing adrenaline and endorphin levels.

On the other hand, however, there are all those disciplines that combine physical exercise and movement with mental relaxation. We are talking about the various types of yoga and meditation. In general, meditation promotes relaxation and a marked improvement in mood, as well as relieving tension and negative energies.

5. Spend time with friends

During a difficult time at work, a relationship breakdown and even the end of a relationship, friends are one of the best "antidotes" to pain and suffering. So, hanging out with them and spending time with them will be a great cure-all. At first, after ending an unrequited or impossible love affair, you might just let off steam and talk about your ex and what went wrong. However, we suggest that you go beyond that. Appreciate their presence, their being there for you and compare yourself: listen to their opinion and let the conversation touch on other topics, perhaps lighter and more cheerful. All this is essential to forget discouragement and rediscover the pleasure of smiling with the pillars of our life.

6. Start something new

In forgetting a broken love, it is important to change at least part of your daily routine. When you are with someone, even if you do not live together, it is normal for habits to develop. All this, however, fails when the story ends and for this we need to know how to reinvent everyday life. Starting from this premise, we suggest you start something new for this phase. Whether it's a sporting activity that has never been practiced or an art or music course that has always intrigued you but that you have never followed: anything as long as it has nothing to do with your former partner.

An excellent idea is even to take a trip to a place never visited. You can choose to tackle it alone or with some friends: the essential is that it is a place unknown to you, where you can "get lost" and then find yourself. In fact, leaving the seminar takes you outside your "comfort zone" and can help you discover new sides that have not been hitherto hidden.

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7. Meet other people

Attending new environments will necessarily lead you to make new acquaintances from which friendships can arise. Our advice is not to use the "nail press" technique because, in most cases, it is essentially a makeshift to try to forget the ex partner. All this could be to the detriment of the new person. she is dating, whose feelings can be hurt.For the first period try to leave the situation in an atmosphere of friendship, deepening the knowledge only if you feel really interested in that new meeting.

Meeting other people will not only broaden your circle of friends, it will help you even further to break away from the habits that have inevitably established with your ex.

8. Discover the beauty of forgiveness

The path taken was long and difficult, but you have reached the last step that may seem the most complicated to you. When we said that it was not right to forget in all respects a love, including the most beautiful and romantic moments of that relationship , it was in order to get to this point. Months after the breakup, that initial aching pain will have subsided, as well as the hatred and anger. Now is the time to reopen that box of memories and see them from a different perspective. The first time you said "I love you", the romantic dinners, your first trip and or the concert of your favorite band you attended together: that "impossible love or that is" simply "finished, something beautiful" has given to both of them.

Relive all this in your mind and also think about how you managed to move forward in the last period. You made the great initial discomfort your strength and you got up. So, why not forgive? with your ex partner is the last challenge to overcome and it will be essential to return to being happy without ghosts of the past and to be able to fall in love again, especially with life!