5 feminine things men will never understand!

There are gestures that are considered typically masculine and gestures that are considered typically feminine. For example, it is considered typically masculine to occupy all the space available in the subway when, sitting with legs open, the XY chromosomes decide to cross over into the area intended for us. It is instead considered typically feminine to say "I'm coming" and instead we are still in pajamas, on the sofa, to update us on the events of the Kardashians.

  1. · 1. The mysterious story of the missing hair band
  2. · 2. The joy of unbuttoning your bra as soon as you get home
  3. · 3. When, once in bed, you realize that you have not removed your make-up
  4. · 4. Post-lipstick lunches and dinners
  5. · 5. All the dramas that happen right after you put the polish on

There are things that are difficult to understand about the male universe and these are 5 things that they will hardly understand about ours (we don't even mention the menstrual cycle!).

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1. The mysterious story of the missing hair band

Whether it's hairpins, clothespins or rubber bands, we spend most of our lives trying to figure out where they have gone, and finally we give up and borrow them from our friends. Our friends entrust them to us with the cry of "but give it back to me", we forget about it and leave them without hairpins, pegs and rubber bands.
It is not our fault, it is the circle of life.

2. The joy of unbuttoning your bra as soon as you get home

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Each of us has its own ritual. There are those who immediately after crossing the threshold of the house perform a sleight of hand and take off the bra from the sleeve of the shirt and those who, on the other hand, prefer to carry out the operation with an Olympic calm. Whatever school you belong to, the feeling of freedom that comes with it is absolutely priceless!

3. When, once in bed, you realize that you have not removed your make-up

Weeping and gnashing of teeth. Everything is ready, you get under the covers, put on your reading glasses and then ... Then you realize you are still wearing the makeup of the day. Taking off your make-up is an "excellent, if not mandatory, habit, and we all know how dramatic it can be to escape the warmth of your bed to remove the traces of foundation from your face!

4. Post-lipstick lunches and dinners

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Anxiety from lipstick on your teeth and anxious to eat it all before the appetizer arrives?
Especially if you are on a first date this will seem like an insurmountable obstacle and you will try to control yourself, without letting him know that you are controlling: sister, we are with you!

5. All the dramas that happen right after you put the polish on

Do you have in mind when, after a hard and no holds barred fight, you can get your nail polish perfectly? Here, while it is drying, the cat will get stuck in the toilet, the intercom will ring, the phone will ring, a ring will fall into the sink and you will have to zip up your pants because it's time to go out.
A scientific correlation between all this has not yet been found but, generally, it all happens at the same time!

Whatever your daily battles are, know that we are with you!

Tags:  Old-Luxury Old-Home Horoscope