10 reasons why (maybe) getting a dog is not for you

Before proceeding with the reading of the article, we propose this video that will be very useful for you to better understand your dog!

  1. · 1. Dog = commitment
  2. · 2. A dog is a life partner
  3. · 3. Order and cleanliness take on another meaning
  4. · 4. Fear?
  5. · 5. A puppy is not a stuffed animal
  6. · 6. Dogs require serenity, dedication, patience and perseverance
  7. · 7. Life with a dog is wonderful, but it's not easy
  8. · 8. Having a dog has significant costs
  9. · 9. Holidays will no longer be so free
  10. · 10. They always leave too soon

1. Dog = commitment

Dogs need company, to be polite, to be made to run and play, brushed, cleaned, cared for, supported, some are problematic ... Translated: dogs are really demanding. Those who do not have time, have no patience, perhaps should think twice before taking such a demanding four-legged friend.

See also

How to educate a dog: 8 tips to do it

How to tell if your dog has a fever: what are the symptoms and how to measure the temperature

Dog gestation: everything you need to know about dog pregnancy!

2. A dog is a life partner

The dog is a life partner, but unlike a wife or a husband with whom you no longer get along, for whom there is separation or divorce, or children who, when they grow up, leave the house, from their friend. on all fours we do not separate and he does not go away. Anyone who decides to get a dog must be aware that they are getting an often demanding creature, with whom they will live (on average) for the next 10-15 years.

3. Order and cleanliness take on another meaning

There are those who live peacefully with more or less high levels of disorder, there are those who do not tolerate even a leaf out of place. Here, for the latter, a dog could be the wrong choice, because four-legged friends, of any age, size, breed, and type of hair bring a little disruption into the house. When they are small they do all kinds of damage, when they grow up they scratch the parquet running after the games, they leave the ground when they return from the garden on rainy and snowy days, some shed like madmen (and, super important to remember, it is not the length of the hair that determines if they lose or not) , some smell a lot, others drool ...

4. Fear?

Yes, there are people who, despite being afraid of dogs, take one, perhaps thinking that theirs will not be a dog. The results are anything but pleasant, because dogs are dogs and the first form of respect for them is to remember this. Anyone who is afraid of dogs shouldn't get one thinking theirs will be different. Because the odds are it won't.

5. A puppy is not a stuffed animal

Puppies are soft, funny, in a word, irresistible. Be careful though. because the "angelic appearance of the quadruped wad always hides a living being who needs to be taken out (many times and in any weather condition) and who sometimes hides a" diabolical soul within himself: he pees and poo in the house, eats everything the one he finds around, cries at night because he wants to be pampered ... A dog should not be taken by those who do not have the desire and the patience to take care of a hairy and living creature, truly demanding from an early age and that will never stop to be.

6. Dogs require serenity, dedication, patience and perseverance

Dogs can learn practically anything their owners are willing to teach them. The premise, however, is that the master undertakes to teach, and to do so he needs to be constant and have a lot of patience and a lot of kindness in himself. An owner who neglects the education of his dog has the (almost) certainty of finding himself next to a being very difficult to manage, with behaviors incompatible with a serene and civil coexistence with humans and his fellow men. Only the responsibility is not of the dog, but of his owner who has not taken care of them, who should not take a dog who does not have the time, the patience, the character to devote himself to them.

7. Life with a dog is wonderful, but it's not easy

Italy is not a country for dogs - some areas are better than others thankfully, but in general there is widespread ignorance and intolerance towards them. Which translates into a difficult life for those who love them and have chosen to have them as life companions - from "using public transport to" entering shops, it can all be very complicated. The dog requires organization - if you want to leave you need to know who to leave it with in total serenity (and it's not easy), and if you want to take it with you, you need to find places where it will be well received.

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8. Having a dog has significant costs

Good baby food cost, veterinary visits cost, medicines for dogs cost (a lot), pure medical care (there is no public health for dogs), insurance does not give it away, any pension the same (it can be considered an average of 20 euros per day, but varies quite according to the pension and the size of the dog), etc. etc. It should be known that having a dog is an important financial commitment, in addition to the possible purchase cost if you take a purebred dog from a kennel.

9. Holidays will no longer be so free

If you have the habit of often taking weekends out of town or holidays to discover new corners of the world, know that you will have to reach several compromises once you have a dog. Unless you are lucky enough to have someone who can help you, as for for example a neighbor or a family member, the only solution is a boarding house for animals (in which dogs often suffer) or bring your four-legged friend with you (and it is not certain that everywhere they are ready to welcome him).

10. They always leave too soon

There are those who think that it is better to have had and lost than to have never had. Not necessarily everyone agrees.The dog owner has to prepare for a life as a Highlander (like the famous movie): to love a lot and survive. The loss of a four-legged companion is devastating and very hard to deal with, at levels that one does not imagine until he has lived it. The last reason we would like to point out for not getting a dog is not to suffer so much when they leave.

Do none of these logistical "problems" worry you? Then you are definitely ready to take the "big step" and bring a furry puppy into your home. And if you want a little extra push, here are 10 reasons why having a dog will change your life (for the better) ...

This article was created in collaboration with DogDeliver, the subscription service that every month delivers a box full of surprises for your four-legged friend to your home.Paragraph

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