Water aerobics: the best exercises to keep fit

Water aerobics is the best sport to have fun and tone up to the sound of music, while enjoying the beneficial properties of water.

To be practiced both in the pool and by the sea, perhaps under the sun and in company, water aerobics is an excellent remedy to keep fit both in summer and throughout the year, without getting bored, also excellent during pregnancy.

To sculpt your body with water currents, we recommend 30 minutes of aqua aerobics followed by 20 minutes of full swimming.

Here are some exercises to be performed at least twice a week:

Aquagym exercises: some tricks

Before performing the exercises, it is good to keep in mind some precautions to avoid sudden movements and unnecessary overloads in the lumbar area.

First of all, always remember to dedicate a few minutes pre-workout to stretching in order to warm up the body to prepare it for physical activity:

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Then avoid jumping in shallow water to prevent back pain.

Remember to combine each exercise with the right breathing: always exhale in the muscle contraction phase, to achieve better results, especially if you work on crunches.
When working on the abdominals, it is good to carry the weight of the body on the shoulders by bending them forward, in order to avoid putting too much weight on the back.

Finally, remember to maintain the right balance for a correct position of the spine during the entire exercise: contracting the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks allows you to work more on the areas and to maintain an optimal posture.

That said, put on your swimsuit right away and let's get started!

Exercise 1: Running in place or on the go

It starts with a slow motion run until you reach maximum intensity with the high-knee run at an intense pace.

This exercise is always accompanied by the arms that move on different planes (frontal or sagittal), following the rhythm of the lower limbs.

Semicircular movements with the arms (similar to the breaststroke stroke) or pushes with the hands articulate and accompany the warm-up run.

Exercise 2: Scissoring in place or in advance

With the support of the feet on the bottom of the pool or in suspension, simultaneous movements are carried out along the sagittal plane of all the limbs.

Back straight: it is the legs that move, not the torso. The weight of the body falls on the forward leg.

Both arms and legs are well extended to move as much water as possible and therefore make the body more resistant.

Exercise 3: the lift

Legs spread shoulder width apart and firmly planted on the bottom. Get down with your butt while keeping your back straight: it is the buttocks that work, not the abdominals.

Continue the same movement up and down.

The arms accompany the movement and help maintain balance by pushing the water back with the forearm.

Exercise 4: jumps in collection in support or suspension

Jump by bringing the knees to the chest and close the arms under the buttocks.

To optimize the work you have to contract the abdominals and close the shoulders forward, until you are "egg" suspended in the water. Exhale in the closing phase and return to the starting position.

To increase the intensity of the exercise you can alternate two jumps in collection in support and two in suspension.

Exercise 5: elevation of the lower limbs

Each elevation of the leg in one direction corresponds to an opposite push with the arms in order to maintain balance in the water.

Raise the leg by moving the water upwards with a single sharp blow, until it comes out with the tip of the foot. Return the leg to its initial state, keeping it straight and without bending the knee.

To vary, you can play on different amplitudes (low, medium and high kick and back with straight leg) or change axis (frontal or sagittal).

Exercise 6: pedaling in suspension

For those who are afraid of water it is advisable, for this exercise, to use a tondoludo (floating tube), placed behind the back as a support.

Remain in suspension by creating small support surfaces with your hands, continuously moving the water back and forth. Shift your body weight onto your shoulders and pedal with your legs stretched forward.

To increase the pace you can alternate the classic pedaling with the one with open legs.

Exercise 7: twist in support or in suspension

Squared body position with the legs bent. Move the water to the side of the torso with your hands: the rotation takes place on the horizontal axis of your body (twist).

Breathe out in the final phase of the half turn.

In suspension: the lower limbs are opposite to the upper ones.

Exercise 8: opening and closing of the upper limbs

Support on the ground with legs spread shoulder width apart.

Upper limbs open just below the surface of the water with forearms in extension: simultaneously open and close the outstretched arms keeping the palms facing inwards.

To maintain balance, tighten the abdominal band and buttocks.

Water aerobics exercises: cool down

After physical activity, the tension accumulated in the muscles must be released. Being still immersed in water, it is preferable not to prolong the cool-down beyond 6 minutes, because the water has a temperature lower than that of the body.

  • Bring your right arm up and flex it behind your head. With your left hand, grasp the elbow and extend the bent arm. Repeat the same exercise for the other arm.
  • (If you are in the pool) Place your hands and feet on the edge of the pool and rest your forehead on your knees to be able to stretch your entire spine.
  • Take your right foot with your right hand, bringing it behind the buttock to be able to relax the thigh muscles. Repeat the same for the left side of the body.

And after all this sport, don't forget that nutrition is just as important to keep fit and lose weight faster:

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